Scottish Daily Mail

What Covid? How Wembley hordes found freedom

- By Chris Brooke

THIS was the scene as thousands of fans – with barely a mask in sight – poured out of Wembley after the win over Denmark.

Friends and families also hugged and celebrated in pubs and at other gatherings south of the Border.

Such scenes prompted London Mayor Sadiq Khan yesterday to ask anyone who celebrated in a large group to take a Covid test amid fears of a potential spike in cases. He said: ‘My message to all those celebratin­g last night who could not keep their social distance is please take a test.

‘You can pick up a lateral flow test from the chemist, or a PCR test as well online. It’s important we don’t inadverten­tly, in our desire to celebrate, pass the virus on. This virus is invisible. We should celebrate the historic day on Sunday – of course we should celebrate our team doing well – but please don’t break the law.’

Social distancing was impossible as around 66,000 fans left Wembley on Wednesday. Few appeared concerned about the potential for spreading the virus in the tightly packed pedestrian concourse. The Government gave the goahead for the semi-finals and final to be held at 75 per cent capacity, but according to reports even more spectators may have got into the stadium.

Photos and videos posted on social media appeared to show fans bypassing ticket barriers to gain entry into the stadium without paying.

One fan posted a video with the caption: ‘Semi-final for free. Just walk in and act like you belong there.’

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