Scottish Daily Mail

‘Vampire’ locked up after threatenin­g to rape teenage girl

- By Gordon Currie

A SELF-proclaimed vampire has been locked up for 15-and-a-half months after threatenin­g to drag a teenage girl into a wood and rape her.

A court heard that the 17-year-old had been drinking alcohol, smoking cannabis and binge-watching a television series about vampires before carrying out the terrifying attack.

The teenager jumped on his victim in daylight in a housing estate with the intention of carrying out a serious sex attack on her.

The teenager repeatedly claimed to be a vampire and also later bit through a police officer’s boot to sink his teeth into his foot.

Perth Sheriff Court was told that the youth, who cannot be named for legal reasons, also ranted about ‘angels, demons, witches and werewolves’.

He told his victim: ‘I’m going to rape you in the woods. I could rip your throat out. I’m going to wipe your memory.’

Sheriff Gillian Wade said: ‘He gives a fairly graphic account of what he’s going to do. He makes further threats and tries to give her a fireman’s lift.

‘He puts her to the ground and straddles her and squeezes her neck.

‘She thinks he is going to drag her into the woods and rape her, which is not altogether surprising since that’s what he told her he is going to do.’

Fiscal depute Michael Sweeney told the court: ‘Girls were approached by a drunk male, identified as the accused. He had no shoes and nothing on his upper half.

‘He was screaming, shouting and jumping around. He suggested he was a vampire.

She thought he was just having a joke. He continued to walk, talk and follow her.’

When he struck, his victim scratched him and kicked him in his private parts until he got off. Locals went looking for him and when they found him he said he had tried to ‘save’ the girl and that he was a vampire.

After being arrested, the youth was taken to Dundee police HQ where he bit the officer’s boot, the court heard on Wednesday.

Solicitor David Holmes, defending, said his client was polite the following day. He said: ‘He confirmed he had been drinking alcohol, Jack Daniels and Dragon Soop.’

The teenager, from Dundee, admitted sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl with intent to rape her in Perth on July 24 last year. He admitted attacking a 14-year-old girl, acting in an abusive manner by smashing a car window with his fist and assaulting PC Nathan Shields by biting him.

He said he could remember no part of the incident.

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