Scottish Daily Mail my ‘schoolboy’ gin!

- By Jonathan Brockleban­k

WHEN Bruce Walker was caught in school selling home-made gin, he was given a ‘stern talking to’ and told never to do it again.

Six years later he is back to his old tricks, producing his own spirits – only this time he has won an award.

The young Glaswegian who was carpeted for selling his ‘bathtub gin’ to his schoolmate­s has launched his own company, Purist Gin, and it has just been voted among the best in Scotland.

Within months of start-up, his first batch has won a bronze medal at the Scottish Gin Awards in a category with 150 entrants, including Edinburgh Gin and Isle of Harris gin. Mr Walker, 22, launched the company after finding himself jobless during the first coronaviru­s shutdown. He decided to lift his spirits by returning to his passion for producing them and now has a fully-fledged business with his mother on staff. The gin-maker from the city’s Broomhill said his love for spirits began in his teenage years, when he would make so-called ‘bathtub gin’ by infusing botanicals in a jar with a raw alcohol for his classmates to enjoy at parties.

He said: ‘I was doing that and one day at school I got caught with some of the gin and I was given a very stern warning and told “do not do this again”. I was around 16.’

But Purist Gin took third place in a blind taste-test competitio­n last November in the London dry gin category of the Scottish Gin Awards.

‘It was unbelievab­le, I couldn’t quite believe it actually, it was a crazy, crazy experience that night,’ Mr Walker said.

 ??  ?? Vote: Owner Bruce Walker, inset, and his Purist Gin range
Vote: Owner Bruce Walker, inset, and his Purist Gin range

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