Scottish Daily Mail

Take the STING out of the PING

1.7m are stuck at home on orders from the NHS – and it could cost them a small fortune. So what ARE your rights? Here’s how to...

- By Ben Wilkinson

MILLIONS of people are at risk of being ‘pinged’ by the controvers­ial NHS Covid 19 app and being told to stay at home for ten days. After restrictio­ns were eased this week, the UK Government expects a surge in demands to self-isolate from the contact-tracing app, which has been downloaded more than 26 million times. But legal loopholes mean workers and consumers could be out of pocket if they do the right thing and stay at home.

Users of the NHS smartphone app who were close to someone who later tests positive for coronaviru­s are alerted and advised to stay at home for as many as ten days. But double-jabbed critical workers, such as frontline NHS staff, can now avoid self-isolation with a negative test.

Crucially, anyone ‘pinged’ by the app is not legally required to self-isolate — which means they are not guaranteed financial support if they cannot work, or refunds for any bookings they have to cancel as a result.

Yesterday, Downing Street insisted it was ‘crucial’ to self-isolate in response to a ‘ping’, after business minister Paul Scully said it should be a matter for individual­s and employers to decide.

The Prime Minister and the Chancellor are among more than 1.7million people currently self-isolating after being ‘pinged’ by the app or contacted by NHS Test and Trace.

In Scotland, people are notified through the Scottish Government’s Test and Protect scheme, which has its own Protect Scotland contact-tracing app.

The charity Citizens Advice says its webpage for guidance on self-isolation is getting 25 times more views than it did in May, and now has nearly twice as many visits as any other page on its site. There has also been a surge in views of its webpage explaining financial support available to those self-isolating.

The NHS Covid 19 app, which uses a Bluetooth signal to estimate how close a user has been to someone who tests positive for teh virus, has been criticised for damaging the economy by forcing businesses to shut and frontline services to suffer.

Health Secretary Sajid Javid ordered a review of the app. Yet the rules, which apply even to the fully vaccinated, are likely to stay in place until at least August 16.

Campaigner­s are calling for an end to the confusion caused by the ‘pingdemic’, with clearer guidance on what employers and businesses are expected to cover.

Morgan Wild, interim head of policy at Citizens Advice, says: ‘People need to hear that they are not going to lose out financiall­y for doing the right thing.

‘We try to guide people through this but it’s a confusing system.’ But what if self-isolation would cause you financial problems? Where do you stand?

Here, Money Mail explains how to take the sting out a ping . . .


ANYONE ‘pinged’ by the NHS app is advised — but not legally obliged — to self-isolate for up to ten days. This is because the app is downloaded voluntaril­y.

That is in contrast to a telephone call from NHS Test and Trace, which could land someone with a fine of at least £1,000 if they ignore instructio­ns to stay at home.

If you are ‘pinged’ and have to self-isolate and you can’t work from home, then you could be left counting the cost.

Employers do not even have to give you statutory sick pay of £96.35 a week for time spent selfisolat­ing after a ‘ping’, unless you become unwell with the virus.

A ‘pinged’ employee could ask to be furloughed and receive 80 pc of their current salary up to £2,500 a month.

And workers can ask for annual or unpaid leave to self-isolate.

Joanne Moseley, employment law specialist at Irwin Mitchell, says: ‘I doubt most employers are paying staff to self-isolate after being ‘pinged’ by the app.

‘Some undoubtedl­y are, but many can’t afford to pay people to sit at home. Some companies offer contractua­l sick pay, but only for employees who are actually ill.

‘Employers could exercise their discretion and pay staff, but they would need to be consistent.’


SOME workers may be entitled to receive a payment of £500 under the Test and Trace Support Payment scheme if they have been told to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace, including by the NHS Covid 19 app.

But these payments are limited to those on a low income who are unable to work from home.

To find out if you are eligible, contact your council.

Employment lawyer Matt Gingell says: ‘Employers should be flexible and use discretion, but there are limited legal requiremen­ts to pay.’ And Martyn James, of consumer service Resolver, says your employer could ask you to come in to work, because the selfisolat­ion advice following a ping is not legally mandatory.

He says: ‘There are lots of rules and regulation­s but nothing that is pandemic-specific. Most businesses are in a massive fluster and don’t know what to do.’

Trade unions say not enough is being done to protect workers; and that better sick pay should be accessible to everyone.

Frances O’Grady, general secretary of the Trades Union Congress (TUC), says: ‘If we want to stop Covid ripping through workplaces, people must be supported to selfisolat­e. With hundreds of thousands of workers being pinged every week, this is more urgent than ever.’

The self-employed can also try to claim a payment from the Selfemploy­ment Income Support Scheme, which pays up to 80 pc of your average profits up to a maximum of £7,500 for three months.


LEGALLY, consumers can get a refund if a booking is cancelled due to a ‘ping’ — but not if they themselves cannot use it because they have been ‘pinged’. Again, this is because the NHS app only advises people to stay at home. This week, Andrew Lloyd Webber had to close his £6million theatre version of Cinderella because of the ‘pingdemic’. James Daley, of consumer group Fairer Finance, says: ‘We will probably see many more people getting pinged and unable to attend festivals, shows and events as a result. A lot of businesses will want to do the right thing, but financial pressures that many will be facing could result in millions of customers waiting for their cash.’ Mr James, of Resolver, says: ‘A lot of people following the advice from the app are finding they can’t get a refund. They are annoyed, confused and just want some clarity. They want to be safe but also want to be treated fairly.’ A complaint against a refund refusal would have to be ruled on in court to set a wider precedent. The Competitio­n and Markets Authority (CMA) says terms and conditions on cancellati­ons and refunds should be fair. It is likely that terms which prevent consumers from getting money back under any circumstan­ces are unfair. Fair terms should also take into account whether the business can resell the event or service in question

without losing out. Consumer law specialist Gary Rycroft says: ‘I would call on the CMA to give some further guidance. People are wanting to do the right thing by themselves and society but this could be to their financial detriment, because the law isn’t strictly on their side.’

Money Mail asked more than 50 businesses if they would refund a customer who had to cancel because they had been pinged.

Dozens of organisati­ons including theatres, cinemas and train companies confirmed that they would offer credit or the chance to reschedule. Some pledged to refund customers in cash.

But many, including several spas, a major racecourse and a large UK festival, failed to respond.

Adam French, consumer rights expert at Which?, says: ‘Businesses not already refunding customers pinged by the app must be flexible and give people their money back if they have to self-isolate.’


DOWNLOADIN­G and using the NHS Covid 19 app is entirely voluntary, so anyone ‘pinged’ is only really morally obliged to follow the advice, to help the country beat the virus. In recent months, thousands are understood to have deleted the app.

Likewise, employees are not legally required to tell their employer they have been ‘pinged’ — but their employer might well have a policy that requires them to do so.

Under-18s and those who have had both vaccinatio­ns are advised to stick to the ‘ping’ advice until at least August 16.

Even a negative Covid test is not enough to escape isolation. NHS guidelines currently instruct people to keep self-isolating for the full ten days, as they could still develop symptoms after a test.

A government spokesman says: ‘The app is doing exactly what it was designed to do — informing close contacts of someone who has tested positive for Covid 19 that they are at risk and advising them to isolate.’

‘We recognise how challengin­g Covid-19 has been for citizens and businesses across the country. Help is available for those in need, including welfare support, the furlough scheme and the Test and Trace Support Payment scheme, which is available to people experienci­ng financial hardship who cannot work from home and must self-isolate.’

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