Scottish Daily Mail


Blue light for acne


Lustre SOLO, £35, currentbod­

CLAIM: ‘Scientists have proven that blue light with a wavelength of 415nm can kill acne-causing bacteria,’ says the maker of this USB-charged stickon gadget. ‘All you need is 20 minutes per day ... and your skin will be left clearer.’

EXPERT VERDICT: ‘Studies have shown that blue light, which kills the P. acnes bacteria that causes spots, can be helpful in reducing inflammati­on and treating mild cases of acne,’ says Dr Anastasia Therianou, a consultant dermatolog­ist at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. ‘Other treatments — such as antibiotic­s and retinoids [which increase cell turnover and unclog pores] — have been shown to be more effective. ‘However, many of these treatments are contraindi­cated in pregnancy — so for pregnant acne patients I will often suggest blue light masks for home use, in combinatio­n with some creams that are allowed. ‘Most people have acne in many different areas of their face, so if you do want to use blue light, I think a full face mask, rather than a patch, is a better idea.’

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