Scottish Daily Mail

The middle class couple cashing in by ‘brand building’ for weed dealers

- Mail Investigat­ions Unit

MARKETING firms cash in by helping Instagram dealers create ‘designer brands’ to boost their cannabis sales.

The businesses – registered on Companies House – openly boast online about how they produce carefully designed bags and products to package the drugs.

The specialist packaging is often made to appeal to youngsters.

One company, called Dank Canz, is run by couple Jack and Rosanna Chapman in Nottingham. Dank is slang for potent, high-quality cannabis.

On its website, the firm – which is registered as DC Print and Packaging Ltd – states: ‘Branding is key in all industries... We have experience­d designers ready to create unique designs for your business and packaging.’

The website states that it has a range of ‘high-quality customised products’ to ‘showcase your brand’.

It linked to a bag ‘printed and packaged’ for Stonechest­er, a cannabis dealer with 19,000 followers. It features a picture of Bart Simpson smoking a joint, saying ‘100 per cent dank.’

The bags are also designed to look like children’s cereals – such as

Frosties and Lucky Charms – packets of Monster Munch crisps and Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. And on his Facebook page, Mr Chapman has posted pictures of himself with what appear to be joints and adverts for his company. One post said: ‘Anybody know basic Photoshop, smoke weed and want a job?’ When contacted by an undercover Designers for dealers: Jack and Rosanna Chapman reporter who was posing as a cannabis dealer needing bags to promote his online business, Dank Canz responded: ‘It’s all about the bag designs and who you get your bags to, new products, cool products, good strains and most importantl­y, good weed.’

Dank Canz did not respond to requests for comment.

A spokesman for Facebook, which owns Instagram, said: ‘We’ve removed several of the accounts flagged to us by the Daily Mail and are continuing to investigat­e.’

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