Scottish Daily Mail


— but no one can tell me what it is

- By ALICE JAFFE n anaphylaxi­

After dutifully using the supplied hand sanitiser in a shop last summer, emma Bennett’s hands started swelling, becoming noticeably bigger as well as incredibly itchy within minutes.

the 42-year-old fitness instructor had been shopping alone when she experience­d what she knew were the tell-tale signs of an allergic reaction. But when she asked the shop manager to see the sanitiser ingredient­s, she found none of her known allergens listed.

this was not the first time emma had suffered an unexpected reaction. In fact, for years it had happened every few months with unknown triggers.

Yet endless visits to doctors failed to provide a conclusive answer to what emma was allergic to — a condition known as idiopathic (i.e. no known cause) allergy. In emma’s case, this results in life-threatenin­g reactions that affect the respirator­y system within minutes.

from the age of seven, emma — who lives in Bolton with her husband Stephen, 49, a software engineer, and their son Seon, 11 — has experience­d allergic reactions with no obvious cause, which sometimes become life-threatenin­g.

Her first memories of the condition include waking up with red, itchy rashes across her chest.

‘At times the rash would come on three or four times a week, but back then it was not really anything you talked about,’ she says.

In another attack, when she was about 15, she went into full anaphylact­ic shock, again without any obvious cause (known as idiopathic anaphylaxi­s).

Anaphylaxi­s is a life-threatenin­g reaction, where the immune system goes into overdrive.

following this, the body releases powerful chemicals called histamines, initially causing hives, difficulty breathing, abdominal pain, and swelling of the mouth and tongue. these also rapidly lower blood pressure by widening blood vessels, which can cause loss of consciousn­ess.

Alarmingly, however, in some cases anaphylaxi­s can occur without an allergic cause.

Over the years, doctors advised emma that her reactions could be triggered by a variety of factors — even the sun — but nothing was ever proven.

It is not that there is no cause, explains Dr Shuaib Nasser, a consultant in asthma and allergic disease at Cambridge University Hospitals, it’s just we haven’t been able to find it yet.

‘Idiopathic simply means that you haven’t defined the cause — all anaphylaxi­s has a cause whether we are able to recognise it or not,’ he says.

‘It might be that it’s an allergic cause that hasn’t been identified — or that it is a non-allergic cause, such as specific hormone interactio­ns in the body.’

Although many people experience minor symptoms of an allergic reaction without a clear cause, such as a rash, a lot fewer have severe idiopathic anaphylaxi­s.

It’s not clear exactly how many are affected by the condition, ‘but we know it accounts for about a quarter of anaphylaxi­s in adults’, says Dr Pamela ewan, a consultant allergist at Addenbrook­e’s Hospital in Cambridge.

(Although if patients were to undergo the extensive testing for triggers in the future, Dr Nasser suggests that it is likely the number with genuine idiopathic anaphylaxi­s would be much lower.)

emma had a diagnosis breakthrou­gh when she was on a first-aid course in her 20s. ‘After doing CPR on the mannequin, I went into full-blown anaphylaxi­s and became unconsciou­s within a few minutes,’ she recalls. ‘Luckily, doctors had given me an adrenaline auto-injector, an epiPen, a couple of years earlier.

SOmeONe injected me and then I was taken to hospital. this led to my first specific allergy diagnosis — to latex.’ A few years later, emma was also found to be allergic to kiwi, after eating the fruit and quickly having an anaphylact­ic reaction, and has since been told she also has an allergy to some opioid painkiller­s such as morphine and codeine.

However, many of her reactions since, both mild and severe, are still without an identified cause.

throughout her 20s and early 30s, she had numerous reactions including one unnerving experience when in the supermarke­t with Stephen.

‘I just felt really, really unwell all of a sudden,’ she says. ‘I said to Stephen, “Something is not right, my hands are itchy and swollen.” I could feel it in my chest and I was clearing my throat a lot. We went straight to the hospital.’

Stephen, her parents and even her young son are epiPen-trained. (the injections have instructio­ns on the side so anyone can use it when needed, but family members are often trained.)

the adrenaline injection helps to reverse the symptoms of anaphylaxi­s — tightening the dilated blood vessels and increasing blood pressure.

Similarly, the hormone helps relax tightened muscles in the airway that make it hard to breathe (this should alleviate the symptoms, but patients are advised to go to hospital immediatel­y after use for monitoring).

It is very unusual for patients to experience anaphylaxi­s that is both idiopathic at times, yet also has an identified allergic trigger — as in emma’s case.

Concerns about idiopathic anaphylaxi­s were raised after two such reactions to Pfizer’s Covid vaccine in December 2020.

these concerns have led to recent guidance from the Government for caution before using the jab, for anyone with a known allergy to any of its ingredient­s — notably polyethyle­ne glycol (PeG), a plastic-based compound used in many drugs and healthcare products.

the advice adds that special precaution­s should be taken with patients due to receive the vaccine who have a history of idiopathic anaphylaxi­s, including discussing the inoculatio­n with an allergy specialist first and considerin­g the possibilit­y of a PeG allergy.

However, Dr Nasser says allergies to PeG are very rare, and not there in ‘the vast majority’ of idiopathic anaphylaxi­s patients.

many with the condition will be taking a daily antihistam­ine to manage symptoms. emma has been on different antihistam­ines over the years because the body gets used to them.

‘I am very cautious — playing it safe all the time,’ says emma. ‘It’s very scary but one of those things you get used to.’

 ?? ?? Looking for answers: Emma Bennett
Looking for answers: Emma Bennett

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