Scottish Daily Mail

Geronimo never had TB

Tests show alpaca was wrongly put down – now owner may sue

- By John Stevens Deputy Political Editor

THE alpaca whose fate divided the nation amid a four-year legal battle did not have tuberculos­is, it can be revealed.

Geronimo was put down by government vets in August over disputed claims he had the disease.

But post-mortem examinatio­ns carried out on the animal have found no trace of bovine tuberculos­is.

Geronimo’s owner Helen Macdonald, 50, was adamant that he was not infected and launched a campaign to save him.

But after she lost her lengthy legal fight, officials escorted by police dragged him from her farm near Wickwar, Gloucester­shire, to be killed.

It is understood that Miss Macdonald, a registered veterinary nurse, is now considerin­g suing ministers over his slaughter.

Early tests carried out in September were inconclusi­ve on whether the animal had bovine tuberculos­is.

No lesions were found on Geronimo’s lungs or respirator­y tract – the most comwere

‘Frankly unforgivab­le’

mon place they are exhibited in an animal with the disease.

However, the Department for Environmen­t, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said its vets had discovered a ‘number of TBlike lesions’ in the liver and lymph nodes.

Further tests have been carried out since to try to establish whether the animal had the disease, including the developing of bacteriolo­gical cultures from tissue samples. The results, which have been finalised in the past week, showed no traces of the disease.

Miss Macdonald has previously called on Environmen­t Secretary George Eustice to resign, accusing him of ‘murdering an innocent animal’.

Geronimo’s killing was the culminatio­n of a David and Goliath legal fight between her and Defra that gripped the nation.

The eight-year-old champion alpaca, who was born in New Zealand before being brought to Britain, was consigned for slaughter after he twice tested positive for bovine TB in 2017.

Miss Macdonald has always disputed the results – but the legal battle concluded with a High Court ruling in July that he should be destroyed.

In August, Defra officials and dozens of police officers forced their way on to Miss Macdonald’s farm to take Geronimo away.

She said Avon and Somerset Police had questions to answer for ‘facilitati­ng murder’ and accused Defra of ‘bully boy tactics’ that ‘frankly unforgivab­le’. Miss Macdonald has a herd of alpacas that she uses to make luxury products including scarves and pashminas at her farm.

She started breeding the animals 19 years ago. Geronimo, a pedigree alpaca worth £15,000, had won competitio­ns in New Zealand for his jet-black wool.

Leading vets had demanded that the Environmen­t Secretary ‘commute Geronimo’s death sentence’ so he could be studied instead of slaughtere­d. Thirteen experts urged Mr Eustice to call off the killing, allowing the alpaca to be ‘reserved for observatio­n and treatment, whereby his immune responses may be non-invasively studied by a range of tests’.

They believed that would contribute to scientific understand­ing of bovine TB as well as the issue of testing accuracy in the animals.

Following Geronimo’s death, Boris Johnson’s father Stanley offered Miss Macdonald his condolence­s. ‘Nobody could have fought harder than you did,’ he said. ‘May he rest in peace.’

Defra previously said that it had sympathy for Miss Macdonald but it insisted that bovine TB had to be tackled.

It said the animal’s removal was undertaken by trained and experience­d Animal and Plant Health Agency veterinari­ans in accordance with welfare guidelines.

Speaking at the time, chief veterinary officer Christine Middlemiss said: ‘No one wants to have to cull infected animals if it can be avoided, but we need to follow the scientific evidence and cull animals that have tested positive for bTB to minimise spread of this insidious disease and eradicate the biggest threat to animal health in this country.’

She added: ‘Not only is this essential to protect the livelihood­s of our farming industry and rural communitie­s, but it is also necessary to avoid more TB cases in humans.’

Both Miss Macdonald and Defra declined to comment last night.

 ?? ?? Champion: Geronimo, with owner Helen Macdonald, was worth £15k; inset, police escort as alpaca is dragged off
Champion: Geronimo, with owner Helen Macdonald, was worth £15k; inset, police escort as alpaca is dragged off

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