Scottish Daily Mail

Bereft of ideas, they pick nation’s pockets


IT was billed as a Budget to get Scotland back on its feet – but in reality it was another brazen raid on the nation’s pay packets.

Presented by a failing Government with no credible plan for economic recovery, its primary focus was on shoring up the state by penalising hard-working families.

The freezing of income tax thresholds means some 66,000 people will be dragged into paying the higher rate of income tax.

This is set at £43,662 – compared with £50,271 south of the Border. It’s a punitive regime which has prioritise­d picking the nation’s pockets over giving it the boost it needs during a crippling pandemic.

And it represents another outrageous assault on the middle classes – and indeed on anyone who aspires to work hard and earn more.

The SNP – now in a pact with the Marxist Greens – was always tin-eared on how to grow the economy, and now appears to have given up any pretence of doing so.

The council tax freeze was introduced after years of local authoritie­s relentless­ly ramping up the levy – often by double-digit percentage increases.

Now town halls have been given free rein to hit householde­rs with inflation-busting hikes again – and there can be little doubt they will seize the opportunit­y to do so.

This is partly a result of the Nationalis­ts slashing the core budget of local government. And by giving local authoritie­s the power to hike the tax, it allows the Nationalis­ts to avoid shoulderin­g the blame from Scotland’s angry homeowners and tenants.

Soaring council tax could be a major blow for families when many are experienci­ng the biggest squeeze on household finances since the financial crash of 2008.

Electricit­y and gas bills have rocketed – and the Government has no discernibl­e strategy for tackling the energy crisis beyond sacrificin­g oil industry jobs to a reckless green agenda.

Meanwhile, businesses have been told rates relief will only continue for the first three months of the next financial year.

This is a low-aspiration Budget that will add to the divide between the private and public sectors. And it will make the state more bloated at the expense of struggling firms – and the many thousands of Scots left with badly depleted bank balances.

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