Scottish Daily Mail



A HOME education group advocating the benefits of children learning through nature is being promoted by hardline anti-vaxxers. Hope Sussex, based in Horsham, claims it provides ‘a humane and natural setting for our kids’ through activities such as foraging and nature study. But the Mail can reveal it is being promoted by the paramilita­ry antivax group Alpha Men Assemble (AMA) as a way children can avoid ‘state indoctrina­tion’. Alpha Men is running combat training for recruits as they prepare to take on schools and vaccinatio­n centres. It has promised that funds raised from the sale of its merchandis­e will go towards Hope, whose tutors include former BNP members. The hardcore, macho activists are a far cry from the gentle, nature-loving outlook of Hope’s website. One of its tutors, Katy-Jo Murfin, 40, is a former West End stage performer who has described vaccines as ‘rape on a cellular level’.

Fellow tutors Matt, 50, and Sadie Single, 42, who are married, have been to anti-vaccine protests, while Mrs Single has been pictured with conspiraci­st David Icke.

Mr Single is a former BNP security chief and has promoted AMA on Facebook, while Mrs Single is also an ex-member of the far-Right group. Mr Single told the Mail he ‘naively’ joined the BNP in 2001 but was expelled in 2007. He said his wife is ‘a well regarded, qualified primary school teacher’.

He added that Hope seeks ‘independen­ce from the increasing­ly toxified state educationa­l system’, but that it was not a militant anti-vaccine organisati­on.

Danny Glass, of AMA, said the group’s links with Hope ‘are purely based on home schooling’.

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