Scottish Daily Mail

Bra boss Mone is sued over race row

Tory peer accused of ‘waste of a white man’s skin’ insult

- By Josh White

TORY peer and bra tycoon Baroness Mone is facing the prospect of a High Court defamation battle after she was accused of branding a man of Indian heritage a ‘waste of a man’s white skin’.

Businessma­n Richard LyntonJone­s has lodged legal papers demanding damages of at least £200,000 over a dispute stemming from a boating accident in the South of France.

Baroness Mone, 50, who founded bra firm Ultimo and was given a peerage in 2015, is also accused of calling Mr Lynton-Jones’s then partner ‘a mental loony’ and ‘nut case bird’.

She has previously insisted she did not know that Mr Lynton-Jones ‘was anything other than white British’ on the grounds that his appearance is ‘100 per cent white, with a cut-glass English accent’.

But his lawyers say he ‘discussed his heritage with the defendant [Baroness Mone] and her husband Mr [Douglas] Barrowman on various occasions previously’.

They say Baroness Mone had even touched metal plates in Mr LyntonJone­s’s face, which he had explained were part of medical treatment following a racist attack in Spain.

The row is said to stem from a fatal boat crash off Monaco in May 2019.

The text argument between Baroness Mone and Mr Lynton-Jones allegedly began after she queried whether his partner had been psychologi­cally affected by the incident, given she had been partying ‘only a few days after’.

The slanging match is said to have escalated when Mr Lynton-Jones told Baroness Mone to ‘back the f*** off’ before she allegedly called his girlfriend a ‘mental loony’ and wrote: ‘Your [sic] a low life, a waste of a mans [sic] white skin so don’t give us your lies. Your [sic] a total disgrace.’

In his High Court filing, Mr LyntonJone­s says Baroness Mone’s behaviour, including publishing a statement on Instagram in which she denied the claims, ‘caused serious harm to the claimant’s personal and profession­al reputation’.

He is said to want an injunction to stop her from repeating the comments as well as damages of at least £200,000 plus his costs.

Baroness Mone’s representa­tives, who were contacted for comment yesterday, have previously said she is ‘100 per cent not a racist’.

The rebuttal said it was ‘as illogical as it is inconceiva­ble that she could or would have made such a comment or made it with the slightest racist intent’.

Baroness Mone is also the subject of an allegation of a racially aggravated malicious communicat­ion over the row, which is being investigat­ed by the Metropolit­an Police.

‘Cut-glass English accent’

 ?? ?? Media profile: Richard LyntonJone­s in a post on Facebook
Media profile: Richard LyntonJone­s in a post on Facebook
 ?? ?? Peerage: Baroness ahead of her 50th birthday last year
Peerage: Baroness ahead of her 50th birthday last year

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