Scottish Daily Mail

We must focus on heat not warming

- DAVID ANDERSON, Dumbarton.

THE Government needs to prioritise warm homes, affordable fuel and jobs over doubtful claims about the future of the planet. In any event, our climate change policy is pointless while China, India and others increase their use of fossil fuels. Because we cannot store large amounts of electricit­y, we need real power stations, which are available whether the wind blows or not. In the short run, we will need to start building new gas-fired power stations. On a clear site, these can be built in as little as 28 months. Longer term, we need nuclear power stations that can provide carbon-free power for generation­s. The modular design championed by Rolls-Royce offers the chance to build these far quicker and at a far lower price than was previously possible. For gas, we need strategic storage to protect us from foreign action and spikes in wholesale prices. We also need to start fracking to give us a secure domestic source. VAT holidays and other relief for utility bills are just not enough.

OTTO INGLIS, Crossgates, Fife. MOST people are aware of increasing electricit­y bills – but how many realise that the non-supply based costs, such as subsidies, green levies and taxes form more than 30 per cent of the bill? These include the climate change levy, the carbon floor price, and social obligation levies (for insulation, fuel poverty etc). According to Ofgem, such costs add 25.5 per cent to our bills. On top of this there is VAT at 5 per cent. Little wonder our energy costs are among the highest in Europe.

GM LINDSAY, Kinross.

PENSIONERS gave Boris two presents: we voted for Brexit and helped him get a General Election majority. What have we got in return? Reduced pensions and energy bills doubled. My Economy 7 electric bill is increasing from £100 to £211.90. I don’t think we oldies will come to the rescue of Boris again.

NEVILLE AVORY, Truro, Cornwall.

MY ENERGY bill is being increased from £143 to £268 a month. I’ve looked into solar panels and a wind turbine, but can’t afford either.

 ?? ?? Can’t pay: Pensioners will struggle to deal with soaring energy increases
Can’t pay: Pensioners will struggle to deal with soaring energy increases

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