Scottish Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


I’D BE happy to pay Boris’s £100 fine if it meant we could move on. DAVID EDWARDS, Leighton Buzzard, Beds.

IT LOOKS as if Boris has become unstuck. I hope his wallpaper does the same. PETER TAVENDER, Worthing, W. Sussex.

WHEN I was a detective, if Partygate had landed on my desk, I would have asked: ‘Why the hell am I wasting my time on this rubbish?’ PETER CHAPMAN, Barnsley, S. Yorks.

ARE there calls for everyone who attended a No 10 party to resign? Name and address supplied.

WHAT a relief to see Larry the cat preceding Boris Johnson out of No 10 after weeks without a sighting. I was beginning to think there was no one running the country. BARBARA SANDERS, St Ives, Cambs.

I WAS advised at school that if I wanted job security, I should join the public sector, but the money wasn’t too good. How wrong they were. PAUL RUANE, Cannington, Somerset.

IT’S not often I disagree with Littlejohn, but I still wear a mask. Not because I’m a wimp, but because I feel a duty of care for supermarke­t staff who carried us through the pandemic. Miss F. M. LATTY, East Bridgford, Notts.

WE SHOULD all feel sorry for Prince Andrew. He has to open and close doors himself! J. OSEMAN, Kemsing, Kent. ‘YES, I know, St Peter, but according to the Highway Code, it was my right of way.’ MARTIN KIMBER, Brighton.

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