Scottish Daily Mail

It’s wise to agree to disagree


LAST week I knew printing that lead letter from the mental health nurse who refuses the Covid vaccine would be controvers­ial. One reader suggested mildly that if I disagreed with ‘Jen’ it would have been better not to print her letter. Why?

In my reply I said: ‘I have, in fairness, printed your letter because if there are readers who think the same, they can read your words and be glad of a kindred spirit.’

Naturally, there were indeed readers who supported the nurse and I made a careful tally. Twice as many agreed with my views as disagreed. Phew! Many (including a retired consultant microbiolo­gist, as well as other nurses) praised my reply as ‘careful and thoughtful’, ‘absolutely spot on’ and ‘considered and excellent’. Others said I wrote ‘utter tripe’ and should feel ‘ashamed’.

A woman who called herself Dr C raged: ‘You know nothing about science, vaccines or healthcare. I very much doubt the letter was genuine anyway but made up so that you could push the vaccine . . . what gives you, a totally medically uninformed person, the right to preach about this?’

Well, my ‘right’ came about simply because the lady wrote to my column. And calling me a liar is an unacceptab­le insult.

This person went on: ‘I have looked forward to reading your column for years but now I will never read another thing you write. I hope the 30 pieces of silver you received were worth it.’ Well, not reading is her choice — and her loss. But where is that bag of silver?

In contrast, here is wise HS, who also disagreed with me: ‘No matter, I shall continue to read your column and on this occasion agree to differ. It’s what makes the world go around and I have found your advice relevant and helpful.’

The most moving ‘pro’ letter came from retired D whose wife is gravely ill and feels angry and afraid at the thought of her being treated by unvaccinat­ed staff. No room for more here — but thanks to all who wrote.

Bel answers readers’ questions on emotional and relationsh­ip problems each week. Write to Bel Mooney, Scottish Daily Mail, 20 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6DB, or email Names are changed to protect identities. Bel reads all letters but regrets she cannot enter into personal correspond­ence.

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