Scottish Daily Mail

Line Of Duty back? I’d cop a look at that


The rumours are abounding Line Of Duty might be back (Perhaps Ted won’t retire or Be sidelined or get the sack) We were most disappoint­ed At the way they left it all, So maybe Jed has got

the hint Stood up and took the call.

We know that Ian Buckells Was supposed to be

‘fourth man’ Who mastermind­ed

everything Came up with all the plans. But really, was he up to it? He’s so matter of fact, He seemed almost

incompeten­t Or was that just an act?

Of course, the big names at

the top Were in it to their ears; That CC Philip Osborne Was a bad ’un, is quite clear, And DCC Andrea Wise Was not all that she seemed We think she played a

hefty part In DS Buckells’s schemes.

And DCS Carmichael Is she really squeaky clean? Or just very annoying And ambitious, slick and keen? And what next then for

Kate and Steve And their own boss, our Ted? (And what of the

‘wee donkey’? Has he lost it? Is it dead?)

We wait and hope with bated breath

For good news to

seep through, Another series needed here Please, Jed, it’s up to you. We gather Monday mornings To discuss last night’s TV Give us a plot to talk about Over our cups of tea.

Perhaps the trusty trio Will unearth a deadly plot Involving sinister black vans And bad guys getting shot. They’ll trace it further up

the chain Accuse the OCG And now that Buckells

is in jail Who will the scapegoat be?

The plot will implicate

them all At some point or the other, There’ll be a tenuous new link To someone’s long-lost brother. But AC12 plays clean and to The letter of the law, And Ted and Co come out

on top — Of that you can be sure.

Lindsay Hartgroves, Launceston, cornwall.

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