Scottish Daily Mail



WHEN I was growing up, the ‘It Girls’ of the day achieved fame via ‘lads’ magazines. These days, stars such as

Kourtney Kardashian, who’s

just celebrated her birthday, rise to fame via social media. But with so much competitio­n it’s hard to stay relevant. It can even take controvers­y to create headlines. Fortunatel­y, with Venus extricatin­g itself from the centre of the Sun and Pluto’s relationsh­ip today, love and money needn’t be so complicate­d.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 WHEN we’re young, we’re passionate about putting the world to rights. Racism. Sexism. Every ‘ism’ under the sun. We bounce from one to another with the righteous indignatio­n of youth. As we grow older, we realise that we can’t approach every injustice with the same level of fervour. We become aware of the need to be smart. We have to learn to calculate the best ways to use our energy for maximum effect. A well-designed attack is worth far more than going in all guns blazing. This Pink Full Moon is powerful. You can change your life. Your LATEST forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 DO YOU dare to reach for what you want? Won’t it slip out of your grasp the moment you touch it? It’s understand­able that you are feeling hesitant about an opportunit­y you’ve been given. You’ve experience­d some disappoint­ments. The last thing you want is to raise false hope. Yet if you don’t have faith in what’s being offered, you’ll miss out on something wonderful. Instead of feeling cautious, try to exude enthusiasm. The Sun’s poised to enter your sign. It brings challenges that turn out to be full of satisfying surprises. Big changes are due between now and the next New Moon. For a spookily accurate prediction, call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22 AS a quickthink­ing Gemini, you love to keep things moving and changing. Dull, officious procedures irritate you. Repetitive situations frustrate you. Reverberat­ions from the past annoy you. Yet, sometimes, we all need to look back and try to find a way to resolve old issues. It might be frustratin­g, but if you can cope with some patient watching and waiting today, and declare that you’re ‘willing to learn’, you’ll be in the perfect frame of mind to appreciate some inspiring education. Let the Pink Full Moon guide you to the future you secretly long for. Call your latest forecast: 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 - July 23 WHEN we’re travelling along a long road, we often picture our destinatio­n. It keeps us motivated. Yet sometimes, we spend far more time getting to where we want to be than we do at the place of arrival. That’s why they tell us to appreciate the journey. We need to be able to enjoy the route and like the plan we’ve committed to. If we don’t, the end result will never be truly satisfying. Yet, we also need to be free enough to be able to spot a shortcut. Today brings an easier way to reach a goal. Don’t miss your Moon-sign forecast. The energy of the Pink Full Moon can positively inspire your week. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 - Aug 23 CAN we trust one another? Actually, that’s not the right question. We’d be better off asking whether we can trust ourselves. If the answer’s ‘yes’, then the first question isn’t an issue. If it’s ‘no’, the reply is still irrelevant. Of course, self-trust is vital. Luckily, it’s an attainable ambition. Even when we know there are times when we don’t do ourselves any favours, our future remains an open book with blank pages that have yet to be written. You’re in control of what you write in yours. Trust yourself. The Pink Full Moon brings transforma­tion. Call your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast: 0906 751 5605.


Aug 24 - Sep 23 WHEN people need to know they’re being whole-heartedly supported and protected, they often turn to you. You have a natural ability to make them feel safe, secure and valued. On the one hand, there’s the trusting open-hearted way you listen; on the other, there’s your ability to formulate genuine, practical solutions. Yet, if you’re so talented at reassuring others, why can’t you set your own mind at ease? Who’s looking out for your best interests? Today, trust that you have nothing to fear. You’re being taken care of. The Pink Full Moon can lift your spirits! Call your Moon-sign forecast. Dial in your date of birth: 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23 AS CLIMATE change increasing­ly asserts itself on the global agenda, we’re all becoming more conscious of the choices we make, and of changes we can adopt for the better. An electric car instead of petrol. Wind over fossil fuel. Solar power. But it’s easy to think ecology refers only to the environmen­t. Your own ecosystem has been thrown out of harmony by stresses and pressures. As the Sun prepares to change signs, it brings the energy to find a sustainabl­e source of warmth. There’s a Pink Full Moon and your future can be revealed and changed. Pick up the phone! Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22 RECENTLY, you’ve experience­d time as a fleeting phenomenon. It’s been flying past as you’ve had fun… and when you’ve been under pressure, too.

Now, as the Sun prepares to move into your opposite sign, you can bend time to suit you more easily. This is an epoch when it’s safe to experiment. And that’s the only way you’re going to find out how you feel about something or someone. Whatever you need to do, you’ll find that you have the time to do it. Move forwards with grace and commitment. Your latest Moon-sign forecast will touch your heart and lift your spirits. For inspiring advice, call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 - Dec 21 FEW of us would disagree that everyone has the right to a fresh start. No one’s so tainted that they can’t turn over a new leaf. Yet, we often struggle to show ourselves the same kindness. The opportunit­y presenting itself to you now is connected to how you see another individual. A relationsh­ip is transformi­ng into a beneficial alliance. This bond will force you to re-evaluate your attitude. As long as you give, without compromisi­ng your ethical standards, you have a lot to gain. The Pink Full Moon has a powerful message. For your spookily accurate prediction, call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 FROM crosswords to Wordle, we love word games. But when it comes to Scrabble, and making words to score points, literature lovers and poets don’t have the advantage you might think. To win, you need to have a hard-nosed approach to the value of the letters and where you’re going to place them on the board. The skill involves looking beyond the words to the actual purpose of the game. It’s worth checking you understand the activity you’re being asked to get involved in. Then you can win! Change your future. Call now for your Pink Full Moon personal forecast. It contains valuable news. Call 00906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS WE SAY Jan 21 - Feb 19

and do the silliest things. We act out dramas. We play roles. We throw ourselves into our parts, nurture and nurse our opinions — and fiercely deny that we’ve ever thought differentl­y to how we think now. And then we wonder why the world’s so full of uncompromi­sing people! Even independen­t Aquarians can find themselves entrenched in a point of view. Following Mercury’s link to your ruler, Uranus, you can put something down, let go and move on. What will the Pink Full Moon reveal? For news that makes your spine tingle and your heart leap, call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES LET’S imagine Feb 20 - Mar 20

that you’re right about what you wish you were wrong about. What then? What will you be obliged to do? What would you suddenly find yourself responsibl­e for? What could you sidestep? And what might you quietly have to acquiesce to? Would it be as bad as you imagine? Or could a fresh perspectiv­e enliven your spirit and boost your creativity? Don’t we all need to be shaken out of our comfort zones sometimes? Yes, but even if your assessment’s accurate, there’s nothing you can’t deal with. Relax. Let the Pink Full Moon reveal your future. For four minutes of valuable insight call: 0906 751 5612.

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