Scottish Daily Mail

Nothing changes


LAST week, my wife Pauline found an old handbag while turning out a cupboard and inside was a copy of the Daily Mail for September 22, 2006.

There were so many stories still happening today.

The front page headline was: ‘Sorry, you can’t join the police, you’re a white male.’ Last week’s Mail had a similar story. Both page threes had pictures of Kate Moss.

Littlejohn criticised Tony Blair for ‘spending billions and the health service is still a complete shambles’.

There was a report about Cressida Dick’s promotion within the Met; all these years later, the Mail is reporting on her standing down.

The killing, torture and bombing in Baghdad in 2006 is sadly mirrored today by the invasion of Ukraine.

But I am happy to say there was a centrefold of the delightful Sienna Miller, who was also in last week’s Mail looking just as gorgeous! SIMon HUDSon,

Chenies, Bucks.

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