Scottish Daily Mail

Why the NHS must offer testostero­ne to women struggling with the menopause

As HRT shortages bite, the producer of Davina McCall’s landmark TV programme argues

- By KATE MUIR Kate Muir is the author of everything You need to Know about the Menopause (But Were too afraid to ask).

The shortage of hormone replacemen­t therapy (hRT) has caused uproar, igniting debates in Parliament and triggering the appointmen­t of an hRT tsar. The lack of oestrogen gel means that thousands of menopausal women are going cold turkey and their symptoms are returning overnight. hopefully they’ll get their hormones and lives back soon. And then they may want something more: testostero­ne.

For as a new generation of menopausal women have discovered, they are missing not just two hormones — progestero­ne and oestrogen — but three.

Testostero­ne is a female hormone, too, and one we make in the largest amount; three times that of oestrogen.

Yet no one tells you that in school biology lessons. According to the British Menopause Society, it helps energy, mood, libido and cognition, plus it maintains muscle and bone.

While oestrogen and progestero­ne drop suddenly at menopause, testostero­ne gently peters out. But supplement­ing with testostero­ne at that time can help with debilitati­ng symptoms, too.

I’ve been using testostero­ne cream for six years as part of my hRT.

The main difference it makes for me is in memory — before I began taking it I sometimes panicked and struggled to find the words for things. Now I can give a speech for an hour without notes.

At work, I felt like a clapped-out banger before I started testostero­ne. Now I know I’ll cruise smoothly through the day, like a Tesla.

It’s not just my experience — as part of a documentar­y I produced, Davina McCall: Sex, Mind And The Menopause, which was screened last night, we monitored a group of working women in their 50s who started taking testostero­ne on top of their regular hRT over three months. The results were astonishin­g.

‘I seem to have a sharpness back, a real focus and clarity about what I’m trying to say,’ said Joanne harding, a councillor. Before the experiment she’d been exhausted. ‘It’s tiring feeling so tired all the time,’ she’d told us. (It wasn’t just how they felt — blood tests showed all the women’s testostero­ne levels were low-to-zero at the start.)

Paula Fry, a senior manager in the City, had said of her libido: ‘Brad Pitt wouldn’t do it for me.’ After testostero­ne treatment her mojo was back, and in general she said ‘it just feels like a lift in mood, the missing piece of the jigsaw’.

Before our experiment, business manager Maggie Dennis just said resignedly: ‘What is libido? I’d almost forgotten about it.’

And after? ‘I feel more like myself. I can think more clearly. I’ve got my va-va-voom back!’

Yet as Dr Zoe hodson, a GP from Manchester and menopause specialist, said in the programme: ‘We lose three hormones and they give us back two. Whose bright idea was that?’

She also explained that women’s fears that testostero­ne supplement­s would make them hairy were largely unfounded. Menopause experts give women only a tiny bit of testostero­ne, and roughly the same amount as the average woman would have in her early 40s (women need a tenth of the amount men make).

Occasional­ly women don’t tolerate it well, and one report has suggested that some can experience mild acne and hair growth — particular­ly if they use too much.

But after six years, I haven’t grown a moustache. Dr hodson said: ‘As long as it stays within the normal female physiologi­cal range, we can discount the beards, we can discount the testicles!’

What was surprising is that testostero­ne in both women and men is commonly viewed as a sex hormone, ramping up desire.

But the tests with the women for our documentar­y — and what they emphasised themselves — showed that the hormone had brought back their mental agility as well as their ability to feel pleasure.

Carolyn harris, a Labour MP who has led the campaign in Parliament for a yearly payment for hRT prescripti­ons, is another who has experience­d the brainboost­ing impact of testostero­ne.

She started taking testostero­ne on top of her regular hRT last year, and is delighted with the results: ‘Testostero­ne should be readily available on prescripti­on for all women,’ she told me.

Many women in the spotlight take testostero­ne and are happy to talk about it, including Lorraine Kelly and Davina McCall, who has seen great results but admitted in last night’s show: ‘Testostero­ne was another hormone I lied about taking — I felt embarrasse­d and ashamed about it.’ Not any more.

The message is getting out there, but slowly: in a survey of more than 4,000 women for the programme, 61 per cent had never heard that testostero­ne could be part of hRT. Yet NhS guidelines approve it ‘for menopausal women with low sexual desire if hRT alone is not effective’.

Setting up our testostero­ne tests for the programme, we decided to go beyond just filming.

We wanted the women to have solid evidence for themselves about any changes, so they filled in a form rating the severity of more than 20 menopause symptoms, and a testostero­ne-specific test which asked about brain fog, energy and libido. Most found that after the testostero­ne treatment their general menopause symptoms, such as difficulty sleeping, had gone from extreme to rare or non-existent. And they were no longer misplacing objects around the house — the car-keys-in-thefridge syndrome had gone.

We didn’t have time to show all of this on TV, but our interviewe­es agreed to do other ‘before’ and ‘after’ tests, including memory checks. Again, there were improvemen­ts. ‘I can remember my husband’s mobile number now,’ said one tester.

Obviously, this was not proper science, and after you have done a test once you tend to get better at it. But it did give the women insight into their progress.

Menopause researcher­s are hoping to do cognitive trials on a larger scale, and academics at Manchester Metropolit­an University are planning to investigat­e women and testostero­ne with data from the UK Biobank (a project involving 500,000 people).

There has been one trial comparing testostero­ne gel and a placebo on 92 women who were not already on hRT, conducted by Professor Susan Davis at Monash University, Australia.

It showed ‘a consistent finding of improved performanc­e on tests of verbal learning and memory with testostero­ne therapy’.

Studies have shown that testostero­ne treatment does not raise

At work, it turned me from a clappedout banger into a Tesla

Few GPs feel confident about prescribin­g it to women

the risk of breast cancer — long-term risks remain untested, but using gel or cream is known to be safer than pills or implants.

Despite testostero­ne being approved by the NhS, very few GPs feel confident about prescribin­g it. Because it was once wrongly considered to be a male-only hormone, they were not taught about it at medical school.

A female testostero­ne patch was approved in the UK years ago, particular­ly for younger women with low sexual desire after a hysterecto­my or removal of the ovaries, but was discontinu­ed due to ‘lack of demand’. So now women are given male-sized sachets or pumps of testostero­ne gel on the NhS, and have to work out one tenth of the dose themselves.

I’m on a six-month waiting list just to apply to get testostero­ne gel at my NhS menopause clinic.

I get the rest of my hRT on the NhS but have to go private to buy AndroFeme, a testostero­ne cream for women that’s licensed in Australia and imported here. It costs me about £160 a year — but I’d rather have that than a cappuccino in the morning.

The British Menopause Society guidelines for doctors note that a lack of testostero­ne in women ‘can lead to a number of distressin­g sexual symptoms such as low sexual desire, arousal and orgasm.

‘Testostero­ne deficiency can also contribute to a reduction in general quality of life, tiredness, depression, headaches, cognitive problems, osteoporos­is and muscle loss.’ Topping it up seems to be a no-brainer. As Davina McCall asks: ‘When will they give us our own hormone back?’

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