Scottish Daily Mail




13 Hotel? One’s a sight virtually when

busy in peak tourist period (4,6) 14 Artist with musical instrument

ignoring new Italian food (7) 15 Like better match official

appearing in person (6) 16 Root vegetable put in ground

around river (6) 17 View work produced by lowly

follower short of money (7) 18 Endless credit for manufactur­ing

apple-based drink (5) 19 Part of plan developed

for country (4) 20 A seat is vandalised making

one bewildered (2,3) 21 Paper with no time for

contentiou­s matter (5) 22 Unique type making joke

on holiday (3-3) 23 Loose container guy emptied (5) 28 Pass net that’s been reviewed

for suitabilit­y (7) 30 Encumber first of blokes with

dog now needing training (3,4) 33 Avoid making a loss in holiday

period still (5,4) 36 Turn aside and be of use around

onset of winter (6) 38 Substitute doctor rewrote most

of column (5) 39 Lloyd crashed wheeled trolley (5) 40 Nonsense followed by a wide

or loud laugh (6) 42 Nervous priest lacking the ultimate

in holiness? That’s nonsense (5) 43 Drink before call proves

not harmonious (7) 44 A cub’s excited about

a counting frame (6) 46 Tragic figure, it’s said,

has lecherous look (4) 49 Find Olwen regularly being lazy (4)

51 Love scope to get citrus fruit (6) 53 Asian language adopted among

outsiders in struggling party (7) 55 Squander a stew after cooking (5) 59 Shelter in part of a cinema? (6) 60 Element of fibbing obviously

in indoor game (5) 61 Loans for renovating

drawing room (5) 62 In church, ordinary plaything is

put back for wolf-like dog (6) 63 Get rid of female comic,

a troublemak­er (9) 65 Joke about name facing trouble in comeback? It makes one bitter (7) 66 Fantastic poet and writer about

island is a classic example (7) 70 Pry in post office about source

of stamps from the East (5) 71 Remove obstructio­n from a

French wooden shoe (6) 73 Allegation from institute probing

very reticent type (5) 75 Storm by one dark wood (5) 80 Pull shown by director before

student festivity (4) 82 Place offering refreshmen­t in heat

for Manchester-based group (5) 83 Archdeacon is given number on

return for deer’s meat (7) 84 A bus misdirecte­d on road?

That’s ridiculous (6) 85 Recent renovation shorn of

trappings in headquarte­rs (6) 86 Opposite way to characteri­se

poet’s work? (7) 87 Another in work clutching

book obsessivel­y (2,3,5)


1 Short period with switch at end in slow dance (6) 2 Accidental­ly come across martial arts actor once in play (6,2) 3 Lively exercise by parish priest overlookin­g yard (5) 4 Support European partner (7) 5 A speaker in Rome’s in its original place (2,4) 6 Brother requires help for plait of hair (5) 7 Pioneering woman taken with awkward son nonetheles­s (4,2) 8 Victor for all to see in awful chore has ticket to buy goods (7) 9 Forbid pyre created for an eagle, say (4,2,4) 10 Place for beauty treatment about to become surplus (5) 11 Companion inside? (8) 12 Signify chaps touring area (4) 24 Small bomb posing terrible danger close to site (7) 25 A second animal in a coop drained of colour? (5) 26 Unyielding U.S. lawyer followed by staff in a trial’s opening (7) 27 Mischievou­s desire to retain poor gag (7) 29 Strength shown by prisoner with little sign of hesitation (5) 31 Wild crocus wanting sun? It has to happen (5) 32 Paddle in shallow adeptly (4) 34 A top U.S. city raised

llama-like animal (6) 35 Insincerel­y smooth Latin

accommodat­ed in Gibraltar (4) 37 Tourist employee allowed front

of exhibition to be full (7) 41 Spanish composer clearly devoid of substance? That’s incorrect notion (7) 45 Celt in convertibl­e is a customer (6) 47 Metal workshop discovered by railway (7) 48 Period of time in which one gets extremely short, shrill sound (7) 50 Drawing, say, lacking energy and

power in a manner of speaking (7) 52 Medal disappeari­ng lacking in

essential character (4) 54 Norway only manufactur­ed fabric (5) 56 Edited tome about first sign of

this outward symbol (5) 57 Couple of notes required

for settee (4) 58 Policeman in the Home Counties in range (5) 60 Deranged family is cause of slip-up? (6,4) 64 Draw out scandal affecting a space entreprene­ur? (8) 67 Euro bets going awry certainly (2,2,4) 68 Use live broadcast? It’s difficult to find (7)

69 Tiny dig that’s damaged

self-respect (7) 72 Rule over golf during November (6) 74 Learner with noise treated wound (6) 76 Scandinavi­an dressed in cords mostly (6) 77 Strongly desire former soldier to support firm (5) 78 Dilapidate­d car missing front produces vexed feeling (5) 79 Trainee traced with difficulty after leaving rear of foyer (5) 81 Offensive smell from coats of

rare elk (4)


13 Peak tourist

period (4,6) 14 Italian pasta (7) 15 Like better (6) 16 Root

vegetable (6) 17 View (7) 18 Apple-based

drink (5) 19 Country (4) 20 Bewildered (2,3) 21 Contentiou­s

matter (5) 22 Unique type (3-3) 23 Loose (5) 28 Suitabilit­y (7) 30 Encumber (3,4) 33 Avoid making

a loss (5,4) 36 Turn aside (6) 38 Substitute

doctor (5) 39 Wheeled

trolley (5) 40 Loud laugh (6) 42 Nonsense (5) 43 Harshly

discordant (7) 44 Counting

frame (6) 46 Lecherous

look (4) 49 Lazy (4)

51 Citrus fruit (6) 53 Party (7) 55 Squander (5) 59 Shelter (6) 60 Number-based

game (5) 61 Drawing room (5) 62 Wolf-like dog (6) 63 Troublemak­er (9) 65 Vexatious (7) 66 Personific­ation (7)

70 Pry (5) 71 Clear obstructio­n

from (6) 73 Allegation (5) 75 Black wood (5) 80 Pull (4) 82 Fertile spot

in desert (5) 83 Deer’s meat (7) 84 Ridiculous (6) 85 Middle (6) 86 Opposite (7) 87 As an obsession (2,3,5)


1 Slow dance (6) 2 Find accidental­ly (6,2) 3 Lively (5) 4 Support (7) 5 In its original

place (2,4) 6 Intertwine (5) 7 Nonetheles­s (4,2) 8 Ticket to

buy goods (7) 9 Raptor (4,2,4) 10 Surplus (5)

11 Fellow prisoner (8) 12 Signify (4) 24 Small bomb (7) 25 Pale (5) 26 Unyielding (7) 27 Mischievou­s (7) 29 Strength (5)

31 Happen (5) 32 Paddle (4) 34 Llama-like

animal (6) 35 Insincerel­y

smooth (4) 37 Full (7) 41 Incorrect

notion (7) 45 Customer (6) 47 Metal

workshop (7) 48 Emit a shrill

sound (7) 50 Manner of

speaking (7) 52 Medal (4) 54 Manmade fabric (5) 56 Outward symbol (5) 57 Settee (4) 58 Range (5) 60 Cause of slip-up (6,4) 64 Lengthen (8)

67 Certainly (2,2,4) 68 Difficult to find (7) 69 Self-respect (7) 72 Rule over (6)

74 Wound (6) 76 Scandinavi­an (6) 77 Strongly desire (5)

78 Wrath (5) 79 Trainee (5) 81 Smell (4)

 ?? ?? FOR A CHANCE TO WIN £750: Solve crossword to reveal the word reading down the shaded boxes. HOW TO ENTER: Call 0901 293 6231 and leave six-letter answer and details, or TEXT 65700 with the word XWORD, your answer and name. Texts and calls cost £1 plus standard network charges. One winner chosen from all correct entries received between 00.01 today (Saturday) and 23.59 tomorrow (Sunday). UK residents aged 18+, excl NI. Full terms apply, see Page 50. NEED A CLUE? Text HINT to 65700 for six answers, or call 0901 293 6235. Texts and calls cost £1 plus standard network charges. Today’s clues available from 00.01 Saturday to 23.30 on Sunday.
FOR A CHANCE TO WIN £750: Solve crossword to reveal the word reading down the shaded boxes. HOW TO ENTER: Call 0901 293 6231 and leave six-letter answer and details, or TEXT 65700 with the word XWORD, your answer and name. Texts and calls cost £1 plus standard network charges. One winner chosen from all correct entries received between 00.01 today (Saturday) and 23.59 tomorrow (Sunday). UK residents aged 18+, excl NI. Full terms apply, see Page 50. NEED A CLUE? Text HINT to 65700 for six answers, or call 0901 293 6235. Texts and calls cost £1 plus standard network charges. Today’s clues available from 00.01 Saturday to 23.30 on Sunday.

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