Scottish Daily Mail

It’s not ‘crazy’ to give British pensioners a pay rise. They get one of the worst deals in Europe

- By Stephen Glover

SO the Government has cocked it up again. That is the widespread response to the announceme­nt that the state pension and benefits are set to rise in line with double-digit inflation next April.

The revered Institute for Fiscal Studies describes the increase as ‘unsustaina­ble in the long run’, while a former senior Treasury mandarin says that people in work will have to pay more tax to fund the pension increase.

Most critical of all was Lord O’Neill, a former Conservati­ve minister and one of the BBC’s pet economists. He told Radio 4’s Today programme yesterday that ‘the constant protection of pensioners seems ludicrous in itself and, in these circumstan­ces, particular­ly crazy’.

He means that with public sector workers demanding pay rises of 10 per cent and more — which the Government is strenuousl­y discouragi­ng — it makes no sense to give 12 million pensioners such an increase.

Meanwhile, former Tory chancellor Kenneth Clarke told the BBC that the Government needed to ‘protect the poor — stop giving me money to pay my power bills’.

He was referring to the recent announceme­nt that every pensioner will receive £300 this autumn to help with gas and electricit­y charges.

Has the Government taken leave of its senses, as is being alleged in many quarters? Is this yet another instance of a dysfunctio­nal administra­tion which says one thing and does another? No, for once it has done the right thing.

Lord O’Neill worked for 18 years for Goldman Sachs, a rapacious and mega-rich US bank. If his pension is less than six figures — and probably a high six figures at that — I’ll cheerfully eat my hat.

Lord Clarke, though less wealthy, has a substantia­l index-linked pension by virtue of his long service as a minister, which he is able to boost by doing a little extra work on the side. Neither man is remotely dependent on the state pension of less than £10,000 a year. They are probably barely aware of what it is.

If they wish to return next year’s proposed increase to the Government, or this autumn’s £300 grant, or indeed their entire pension, they are perfectly at liberty to do so. It is apparently very easy.

But most pensioners are not rich, and many are poor. Recent research suggests that one fifth of adults retiring this year are planning to rely on the state pension as their main source of income.

According to the Organisati­on for Economic Co-operation and Developmen­t (an internatio­nal organisati­on comprising 38 developed countries), Britain has one of the highest numbers of pensioners living in poverty of any country in Europe.


In the UK, the proportion of pensioners with an income below half the average is said by the OECD to be 15.5 per cent. In Italy it is 11.3 per cent, in Germany 9.1 per cent, and in France 4.4 per cent.

This is hardly surprising since the state pension in the UK is one of the lowest in Western Europe. Comparison­s are problemati­c, since pensions in other countries have varying contributi­on rates, but by most measures we lag significan­tly behind Germany, Italy, France and Spain.

Lord O’Neill and some journalist­s give the impression that our pensioners have been featherbed­ded for years. This isn’t true. The OECD reckons that in 2017 (the latest year for which figures are provided) we spent slightly less on state pensions as a proportion of gross domestic product than in 2010.

Moreover, in April this year state pensions (like other benefits) rose by only 3.1 per cent, though inflation was already roaring away at 9 per cent. Those reliant on a state pension will therefore be poorer than they were 12 months ago.

What the Government is doing is to reinstate the ‘triple lock’, which it suspended some months ago. Introduced in 2010, it guaranteed (here you may have to place a wet towel around your head) that the state pension would rise every April by whichever is highest: consumer price inflation the previous September, annual wage growth the previous July, or 2.5 per cent.

Before this April, the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, shifted the goal posts. Annual pay had risen by more than 8 per cent last July, but this was because of the distortion­s of Covid and the furlough scheme. So pensions and benefits were instead raised by last September’s rate of inflation.

Now the Government is honouring its manifesto commitment by re-embracing the triple lock. What on earth is wrong with that when there are millions of hard-pressed pensioners who were forced to make do with an increase this April that was far below the rate of inflation?

Surely a decent society should care for its older citizens, nearly all of whom have paid taxes and national insurance over many decades. They are, furthermor­e, potentiall­y more vulnerable to the surge in the cost of gas and electricit­y than younger people, who are supposedly physically more robust.

I’ve heard a lot of nonsense over the past 24 hours about how the Government is widening the ‘generation­al divide’ by increasing pensions in line with inflation. No, it is merely honouring its promises to a group of people who need help. That’s not to say that the young don’t have their own legitimate gripes.

Nor does it make sense to compare pensioners, who will probably receive an increase of around 10 per cent next April as inflation continues to climb, with rail workers, who are being told by ministers that they should accept much less than 10 per cent.

Rail workers receive an average salary of £44,000, according to the Government, while train drivers pocket average annual pay of £59,000. They are incomparab­ly better-off than most pensioners, who by the way don’t have a rich and powerful trade union defending their interests.

It’s true they have a notunsym-pathetic Government belatedly coming to their aid. Some cynics claim that ministers are motivated by political calculatio­n since older people are more likely to vote — and vote Conservati­ve.


Somehow I doubt this is much of a factor. After all, the Government has also undertaken to increase all benefits in line with inflation. No one suggests that this is because welfare recipients back the Tories. I imagine they are more likely to vote for other parties, if at all.

Is it right that those on benefits should receive inflation-linked rises? Given that they are on low incomes, and therefore liable to be more buffeted by soaring inflation than most of us, it is hard to argue against the increase.

But I do wish the Government would take a closer look at the vast number of out-of-work claimants, some of whom are capable of work if only they were subjected to a judicious combinatio­n of carrot and stick. This is a huge challenge which the Government has scarcely begun to tackle.

That is for another day. Now, for once, ministers deserve congratula­tions rather than the ritual deposits of ordure which are poured over them these days whenever they open their mouths.

Lords O’Neill and Clarke are wrong. Millions of people rely on their state pensions, which are relatively meagre by internatio­nal standards. The Government is right to ensure that they won’t dwindle further.

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