Scottish Daily Mail

Nuts to slate police


WHAT a cheap shot from a reader (Letters) regarding the police response to the fuel protest go-slow – ‘maybe they panicked because the doughnut vans were held up’.

Apart from the doughnut reference being an Americanis­m with no relevance in this country, I wonder if your reader even considered that officers would have had rest days cancelled and been moved from other duties to ensure public safety from an unlawful and potentiall­y dangerous obstructio­n of highspeed traffic on our highways.

Perhaps, like me, your correspond­ent would like to see more visible police patrols but I would point out that officers were sufficient­ly present in the community to result in 7,046 of them being violently assaulted in the execution of their duties last year.

A little more recognitio­n of a thankless and often dangerous job might be appropriat­e.


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