Scottish Daily Mail

Pension credit deadline nears

- By Tilly Armstrong

RETIREES are being urged to put in a claim for pension credit to avoid missing out on the £650 of extra financial support this year.

Pensioners have until August 18 to apply in order to qualify for the Government’s new cost of living payment.

This benefit, which was announced as part of a package to help struggling households in May, will be made up of two lump sums.

The first £326 payment will arrive before the end of July. A second £324 credit will be paid in the autumn.

To claim the first payment, households must have been eligible for pension credit between April 26 and May 25 of this year.

If they have not already made a claim, they can still qualify but they must have started the process before the August 18 deadline.

Pension credit boosts the weekly income of a single pensioner to £182.60 and £278.70 for a couple.

It is also a gateway to other financial aid, such as money off heating costs, NHS services, council tax reductions and a free TV licence if you are over 75.

Those in receipt of the benefit are also eligible for the Cold Weather Payment, which means they get £25 for each seven-day period of very cold weather between November 1 and March 31.

Experts warn that the benefit is woefully under claimed, with as many as one million eligible pensioner households estimated to be missing out.

You can claim pension credit if you are above state pension age and on a low income, with few savings.

Caroline Abrahams, charity director at Age UK, urges older people to take action now to ensure they do not miss out on vital funds.

‘Many people think if you have some savings, or a small pension, there’s no point in applying but that’s often not the case.

‘The sooner people act, the sooner they find out if they’re eligible for some of the additional help, and this could be lifechangi­ng for them.’

To find out if you are eligible, check the Government’s pension credit calculator at pension-credit-calculator or call 0800 99 1234.

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