Scottish Daily Mail

It’s dignified Liz vs shouty Rishi

- COLIN NICOL, Sutton, Surrey.

IN THE BBC debate between the two remaining candidates to be the Conservati­ve leader and prime minister, Liz Truss had the decency to allow her opponent to answer questions without interrupti­on, which demonstrat­es respect and courtesy, unlike Rishi Sunak, who was forceful and rude.

EDWIN SKINNER, Colchester, Essex.

SOPHIE RAWORTH was out of her depth chairing the TV debate between the Tory leadership candidates. She had no control, especially over Rishi Sunak, who spoke over the top of Liz Truss and interrupte­d her every response. His performanc­e was certainly not one that reflected the persona of someone who could be the next Prime Minister.


WHAT a terrible format for the debate. Each candidate should have been given a set time to explain their approach to governing, then it should have been thrown open to questions from the audience. Instead it was like a pair of fishwives shouting each other down.

G. M. LAVERICK, Penrith, Cumbria.

WHY did two leading Conservati­ves go on TV to dish out insults at each other, clearly showing the significan­t divisions in the party? It was just like the heated exchanges before a General Election, not two Cabinet ministers in the same party. Each was spouting promises they have little chance of delivering. What is the point of a TV debate when only Conservati­ve Party members can decide who becomes the next Prime Minister, not the general public?

TONY WALDRON, Camberley, Surrey.

LIz TRUSS deserved a much better chance to speak in the debate and I very much hope she wins. She’s a doer rather than a speaker.

Name and address supplied.

IF RISHI SUNAK thought his bullying, bad manners and sense of entitlemen­t would appeal to people, he made a big mistake. In contrast, Liz Truss was dignified, polite and rational.

D. HARTLEY, Solihull, W. Mids.

CONSERVATI­VE members need to ask themselves which of the candidates will beat Labour at the General Election:

Rishi Sunak, who is clever, quick on his feet and articulate; or Liz Truss, a well-meaning plodder?

JOHN ESMOND, Halifax, W. Yorks.

RISHI SUNAK was repetitive, panicky and seemed to think shouting makes him right. Liz Truss was dignified and seemed honest.

T. FORRESTER, Mossley, Gtr Manchester.

IT STRUCK me that though they have different ideas on how to solve the country’s problems and the direction we should be heading, Rishi and Liz could work well together. This could be just the time for politics to take on an alternativ­e format and fresh ideas.

 ?? ?? Confrontat­ion: Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss debated the key issues on TV
Confrontat­ion: Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss debated the key issues on TV

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