Scottish Daily Mail

Ephraim Hardcastle

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LIZ Truss’s refusal to apologise to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon for calling her an attention-seeker who should be ignored might have irritated the Queen, I am told. ‘HM treats Sturgeon as she treats her Commonweal­th PMs and expects mutual respect between them,’ says my source. ‘They rub along together well enough. HM has a delicate balancing act to play in the independen­ce debate. If the Union splits she will become Queen of Scots. Sturgeon seems fine with that. King Charles is another matter.’

THE next series of The Crown will miss the script-enhancing skills of Jemima Goldsmith, who has backed out because the depiction of her friend, the late Princess of Wales, was not handled as ‘respectful­ly or compassion­ately’ as she had hoped. However historian Robert Lacey, who is married to Jemima’s aunt, Lady Jane Rayne, remains as a consultant. Must make for interestin­g family discussion­s!

HOW does the alwaysfash­ionable thespian Emma Thompson, pictured during her investitur­e, like to be addressed? ‘Just Dame will do,’ she says, adding about the honour: ‘It’s nice to be acknowledg­ed in that way.’ Dames aren’t deplored like men who lust after peerages. Prior to his own ennoblemen­t Viscount Northcliff­e said: ‘When I want a peerage I’ll buy one like an honest man.’

EX-Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is still on the Privy Council, so he’s a ‘Rt Hon’ and will make the cut to attend, in due course, the council proclaimin­g Charles king.

TOMMY Corbyn – Jeremy’s son, who campaigns to legalise cannabis and founded the National Hemp Service – responds cheekily to Rishi Sunak’s promise to crack down on drug-takers: ‘Why not start by drug-testing MPs and let’s see how that goes...’ Might his father give him the names of some suspects?

AS a schoolgirl in Melbourne, much-loved Olivia Newton-John, who has died at 73, had to obey strict rules, including a ban on wearing patent leather shoes in case boys saw the reflection up their dresses. ‘If only they’d known I would someday record a song called Let’s Get Physical,’ she said. Its lyrics include: ‘There’s nothing left to talk about unless it’s horizontal­ly.’

TAKING aim at young female journalist Kara Kennedy, writing her debut column (about Wales) in The Daily Telegraph, BBC newscaster Huw Edwards snipes on Twitter: ‘Tragically could only see the first para – but I thought even feeble Telegraph writers had moved beyond sheep and Richard Burton.’ A colleague of Kara’s snaps back: ‘Twenty-two-yearold graduate trainee writing her first piece for the paper – talk about punching down!’ Shouldn’t Huw get out more?

APROPOS of my item about the BBC’s new disinforma­tion and social media correspond­ent, Michael Cole tells me his last job there was arts and media correspond­ent, adding: ‘There were 14 people doing it.’

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