Scottish Daily Mail

Sturgeon’s spent a lifetime being rude to English Tories only to bristle like an offended hedgehog when Truss hit back


Nicola Sturgeon says liz Truss quizzed her about how to get in vogue when they met last year. liz meant how could she get in the pages of the glossy magazine called Vogue, not how to become popular and attractive to fashionabl­e people, because surely that is not Nicola’s area of expertise?

in the minds of many, the average SNP voter is someone crimson-faced and bald, wearing a small wiry moustache and a stained anorak while shouting about Scotland’s oil as they load bargain biscuits into an asda trolley. The men are even worse.

oh to have been a fly in the ointment chez Sturg when Truss, speaking at a Tory leadership hustings in Exeter last week, labelled the First Minister an ‘attention seeker’ and told the audience that ‘the best thing to do with Nicola Sturgeon is to ignore her’.

Uh oh, i thought, reaching for the popcorn and setting my Krankie Krakatoa stopwatch to countdown mode, just waiting for the eruption.

WoUld Nicola surprise us all with the dignified bearing of the true stateswoma­n, rising above the comments and getting on with her self-appointed job of running Scotland into the ground?

or would she put important matters such as the ferries disgrace, education attainment and the shocking numbers of drug deaths on her watch to one side and stick the fishwife knife in? We didn’t have to wait long to find out.

Speaking to a half-empty hall at an Edinburgh Fringe event on Wednesday, the Scottish leader told how Truss had badgered her at the cop26 conference last year — not about carbon emissions or anything important, but over her recent appearance in Vogue.

That’s all she wanted to know about, apparently! and when the subject was exhausted, conversati­on between the two women ‘dried up’. Not before Nicola told liz she had actually been in the glossy magazine twice, at which news Truss ‘looked a little bit as if she’d swallowed a wasp’.

a bit rich, coming from someone who looks like she breakfasts on toasted wasps spread with waspish jam and washed down by a pot of hot wasp tea every waspy morning. But that’s the thing; it’s all double standards with Nicola.

She has spent a lifetime being rude and dismissive to English conservati­ve politician­s, only to bristle like an offended hedgehog when anyone treats her with even a shred of similar scorn.

over the past few years, she has reserved a particular­ly bitter contempt towards Boris Johnson, but when those feelings are reciprocat­ed, her reaction is very revealing. Vogue! Wasps! ignore! She said it first! i’m telling Mum!

Some might think this is a petty conversati­on unworthy of two senior female politician­s; a dialogue over supposedly jealous feelings about a fashion shoot that does a disservice to all women everywhere. and tragically, there is merit in that.

To be honest, neither woman comes out of it well. i was rather surprised at Truss’s blunt truculence in the first place. Say what you like about Sturgeon, but she is a democratic­ally elected political leader and to dismiss her and those who vote for her as irrelevanc­es seems crass.

Such an attitude might go down well with the gurgling true-blue Tories in the English shires, but it plays right into the Scottish Nats’ hands, to the detriment of all. How poor, beleaguere­d conservati­ves north of the Border must have despaired at her words.

However, to get your own back, as Sturgeon did, by revealing details of a private conversati­on and weaponisin­g what was clearly only polite small talk as a political gain? Pathetic. The first and last resort of the charlatan.

While the SNP boss really let the sisterhood down there, it is not the first time she has pulled this trick. during a television debate in the 2017 Election campaign, Sturgeon accused the then Scottish labour leader Kezia dugdale of telling her — in a private conversati­on — that following the Brexit vote she would stop opposing indyref 2, something dugdale denied.

and what is this all over? Nothing more than getting tarted up for a glossy magazine.

THE First Minister has always professed her distaste for the londonbase­d media. But how interestin­g that she makes a lavish exception for Vogue and the opportunit­y to pose outside Bute House in an oatmeal wrap coat and trash Boris Johnson by saying he had a ‘fragile male ego’, because he was too scared to engage with her in person.

The terrible joke is that despite what Nicola thinks, it is no great badge of honour for any female politician to be in Vogue.

To be soft-soaped and patronised by the fashionist­as; included along with the supermodel­s and the perfume ads not because of your achievemen­ts but because of your sex — how sexist is that? Squeezed into unlikely finery, female politician­s in Vogue almost always end up looking like gauche country girls at a society wedding.

This includes Theresa May in a £1,200 jumper telling Vogue how she was criticised for wearing a £1,000 pair of trousers in a newspaper photo shoot in 2016. ‘i think it’s important to be able to show that a woman can do a job like this and still be interested in clothes,’ she said, proving that nothing could be further from the truth. Meanwhile, in last September’s issue, diane abbott wore black cherry lipstick to tell Vogue all she wants to do is ‘change the world’ if not her own bad habits. did she still buy M&S tinnies of alcohol? ‘Yes, occasional­ly,’ she cheeped.

anyway, here we are, two smart female politician­s mud wrestling in the lower reaches of the glossies when they should be shooting at the stars. Nicola wishes liz all the best and, in a parting shot, simpered, ‘i’m sure she’ll be in Vogue before too long.’

Somewhere south of Edinburgh, with steam issuing from every fissure, liz Truss is muttering, if i be waspish, best beware my sting.

This isn’t over yet. Bzzzzt!

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