Scottish Daily Mail

Is a new fast-acting pill for depression the HOLY GRAIL that patients have been waiting for?

Antidepres­sants can take up to 8 weeks to have any effect — if they help at all. But now, a ‘game changing’ drug that can work in days has been approved in the U.S. So...


Treating severe and chronic depression can be extremely difficult. Over the years, medicines have been developed to treat mood disorders, from tricyclics in the 1950s to SSris (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) in the 1970s.

However, it can take time for these drugs to have an effect (and in an estimated 30 per cent of cases, they don’t work at all); with SSris, it’s between four to eight weeks.

But could a new drug that’s just been approved by the Food & Drug administra­tion (FDa) in the U.S. be the answer?

Called auvelity (generic name aXS-05), it has been hailed a game-changer as research suggests it rapidly reduces symptoms within a week of starting treatment, with some patients experienci­ng ‘remission’ — in other words, no symptoms of depression at all — by ‘week two’, according to a spokesman for axsome therapeuti­cs, the pharmaceut­ical company that developed it.

the FDa approval for the twicedaily pill comes just three months after the publicatio­n of positive results of a clinical trial, where it was compared against a placebo.

Published in May in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, the geMini trial showed that patients with severe depression who took the drug for six weeks were significan­tly more likely to report improved symptoms than those taking the placebo, with 39.5 per cent experienci­ng remission compared to 17.3 per cent in the placebo group.

(this high rate of effectiven­ess in the placebo group is not unusual — multiple studies show placebo pills can help lift depressive mood, possibly because patients have a high level of expectatio­n of improvemen­t and they get extra support during a trial.)

Perhaps not surprising­ly, axsome’s share price soared with the drug’s approval, rising by nearly 40 per cent in just one day.

‘at the moment, most drugs used to treat depression take up to eight weeks to have any effect on symptoms, which can be very distressin­g for people in a mental health crisis, as well as making it more difficult for them to stick to their drug regimen,’ says Maurizio Fava, psychiatri­st-in-chief at Massachuse­tts general Hospital and a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, who co-authored the report of the geMini trial.

the new oral drug works in a completely different way from current ones; it triggers the production of glutamate, a chemical messenger in nerve cells in the brain. the claim is that this prompts the brain to form new neural connection­s, allowing for more positive thought pathways to develop.

AnD it also contains dextrometh­orphan, an ingredient found in medicines such as Benylin Dry Cough and robitussin Dry Cough Medicine. it’s a morphine-based drug, known as a n-methyl-daspartate (nMDa) receptor antagonist, which has sedative and dissociati­ve (where you feel disconnect­ed from thoughts and feelings) properties. in cough syrups it acts on the brain to suppress coughing.

(it works in a similar way to ketamine, used as an anaestheti­c in surgery and has been tested as a nasal spray to treat depression. However, the UK drugs watchdog has rejected its use in the nHS.)

auvelity also contains bupropion, already prescribed to treat depression (although not in the UK) and to help people stop smoking because it reduces smoking satisfacti­on. importantl­y, it boosts blood levels of dextrometh­orphan by reducing the amount that gets processed by the body, so ‘supercharg­ing’ the effectiven­ess of dextrometh­orphan.

the maker claims auvelity is the first new oral drug for severe depression with a new mechanism in decades. it’s been approved in the U.S. for treating major depressive disorder (MDD) — defined as having symptoms of depression most of the time for at least two weeks that typically interfere with one’s ability to work, sleep, study and eat.

‘Depression is a difficult-to-treat condition with potentiall­y devastatin­g consequenc­es for patients and their families,’ Professor Fava told good Health. ‘Based on the [trial] results and its novel oral nMDa antagonist mechanism, aXS-05 may represent an important new treatment option for patients with depression.’

as well as ‘significan­t improvemen­ts in depressive symptoms compared to [a] placebo’, the drug was well-tolerated, with only 6 per cent of people leaving the trial early due to side-effects, he said.

that’s important as current antidepres­sants are often poorly tolerated, causing side-effects such as sexual dysfunctio­n (reported in over 70 per cent of patients in one 2016 study), withdrawal symptoms and weight gain, as well as feeling emotionall­y numb. these were not seen in the auvelity study: the most common side-effects were dizziness, nausea, headache, sleepiness and dry mouth.

as many as 20 million adults in the U.S experience a major depressive disorder each year, according to pre-Covid figures. in the UK, as many as 17 per cent of adults were affected by moderate to severe depressive symptoms in the two years up to august 2021, Office for national Statistics figures show.

according to the Scottish Health Survey, in 2018/19, 12 per cent of adults reported two or more depression symptoms, such as feeling sad or not enjoying life as much as usual.

estimates vary as to how many Britons have severe depression but one study by Public Health england (now the UK Health Security agency) found that over 12 months in 2014, 6.6 per cent of the population had suffered from it.

the maker of auvelity is seeking approval from the european Medicines agency; it’s not clear when they will apply for it here.

So is this drug the Holy grail for severe depression? auvelity was granted Breakthrou­gh therapy designatio­n by the FDa — meaning its approval was fast-tracked.

Earlier this year, an expensive new dementia drug, aduhelm, was controvers­ially granted this fast-track approval, on the basis that it reduced amyloid plaque build-up in the brain, linked to dementia, without showing it improved patient outcomes.

after the european regulator commented on the lack of evidence, the manufactur­er withdrew its applicatio­n for approval in europe. and already some experts have expressed doubts about just how reliable the evidence for the new ‘wonder drug’ for depression is.

‘it appears to have been evaluated against placebo in only one trial involving 327 patients, and against bupropion-treated patients in one other — not against the best treatments currently available for depression,’ says Dr Mark Horowitz, a training psychiatri­st and an honorary clinical research fellow at University College london.

‘although it has been branded as fast acting because it shows a difference from placebo after one week, after six weeks that difference on a depression scoring system, while statistica­lly significan­t, is not likely to cause much of a change,’ he adds, explaining that for people with severe symptoms, clinicians would expect a score that’s at least nearly twice as high ‘for the minimum noticeable improvemen­t’.

another concern is the length of the geMini trial, which lasted

just six weeks. This is not long enough to get an accurate view on the drug’s true efficacy, explains Dr Horowitz. ‘Lots of drugs can boost your mood for six weeks, including many recreation­al drugs, but in the longer term they can cause significan­t side-effects and trouble with mood because the effects wear off,’ he says.

‘The drugs in this study include a cough-suppressan­t medication which is described as a dissociati­ve drug — in other words, it can make you feel slightly “out of it”.

‘This could produce enough of an effect to make you feel slightly better for a short time before you got used to it — at around six weeks.

‘This also means that the study could not have been blinded — where patients are unaware whether they were given the active

drug or the placebo — because the group taking the drug instead of the placebo sugar pills would have

noticed they felt “out of it” and immediatel­y correctly assumed they were the drug group.

‘So it will have a strong, amplified placebo effect — people will know

they are on the drug, expect to feel better and we know that this itself has a large effect on mood scores,

perhaps explaining the improvemen­t in the drug group.’

Dr Horowitz argues that drug companies searching for new antidepres­sants are trying to simplify complex issues.

‘The idea that a complex condition like depression, which is

caused by many social and environmen­tal factors, can be cured by

increasing levels of one or more neurotrans­mitters [such as serotonin or glutamate] is far-fetched.

‘The human brain is responsive to environmen­t, upbringing, poverty, physical ill-health and relationsh­ip breakdowns, to name a few. There is no drug that can affect these things. What helps is relevant support and non-drug therapies that can be helpful.

‘NICE [the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence] lists eight non-drug therapies for severe depression, that include mindfulnes­s, counsellin­g and problem-solving therapy, all of which have lesser

side-effects and equal effectiven­ess to medication in the short term.

‘We know learning skills to manage our mood is more helpful in the long-term than covering up emotions with drug effects, especially since we now understand that these drugs [in the case of SSRIs and NMDAs] do not correct the underlying chemical problem.’

Dr Horowitz has co-authored a review that found there is no evidence depression is linked to a chemical imbalance of serotonin.

Andrew Miller, a professor of psychiatry and behavioura­l sciences at Emory University School of Medicine in the U.S., told Good Health caution is advisable.

‘It’s a little early to tell, but unfortunat­ely the study and the pharmaceut­ical industry continue to make the same mistakes: they

assume depressed patients are a homogeneou­s group, which they are not, and that medication­s should work across all patients, which they don’t.’

He adds: ‘Based on the relatively small difference­s between placebo and drug in this study (albeit large enough to be clinically significan­t by definition), we can only assume some patients are responding well and others not so much.

‘More work needs to be done to identify which patients are most likely to respond. Also, without comparing the drug to both bupropion and dextrometh­orphan alone, it is hard to know whether the combinatio­n drug is significan­tly better than either drug alone. It is no surprise that something is better than nothing.’

Professor Fava agrees that there is not a one-size-fits-all solution for severe depression.

He says we have known for some time that major depressive disorder is very heterogeno­us and it is not simply due to a ‘lack of serotonin’, despite the fact that a number of standard antidepres­sants work on serotonin levels. He adds that other factors, including counsellin­g, will continue to play an important role alongside medication.

‘Many studies have shown greater efficacy of the combinatio­n of antidepres­sants with forms of therapy such as cognitive behavioura­l therapy than either treatment alone,’ he says, but medication must also be available as a frontline treatment.

‘There is a sequential model of treatment where medication­s are started first among patients with severe forms of depression and therapy is added later in order to maximise the benefits of therapy.’

Other experts suggest older-style antidepres­sants, tricyclics, still have their place.

David Healy, a psychiatri­st and a professor in the department of family medicine at McMaster University, in Canada, says these drugs — which prevent the reabsorpti­on of serotonin and another

chemical messenger, norepineph­rine — can help some people.

‘If you want effective antidepres­sants, the old tricyclics are more effective than anything

else,’ he says. In all trials where they are compared to SSRIs they beat them.’

Another newer approach to treating depression involves tackling inflammati­on — the idea is

that the body’s natural process of fighting infection might be at the root cause of depressive illness,

and that using an anti-inflammato­ry could be a way to treat it.

Several studies have shown

non-steroidal anti-inflammato­ry drugs, including ibuprofen, can cut depressive symptoms.

Professor Miller says anti-inflammato­ries may help by reducing anhedonia — the loss of pleasure and motivation to engage in activities. ‘Anhedonia is the most disabling of the symptoms of depression,’ he says.

Carmine Pariante, a professor of biological psychiatry at King’s College London, has been looking into the use of anti-inflammato­ries for depression for the past 20 years and his team has establishe­d that molecules produced by the immune system that increase inflammati­on (such as IL-1 and IL-6 ) can reduce the formation of new brain cells.

He explains: ‘This affects the brain, disrupting the connection between the different neurons, and this is what creates depressive symptoms.’

He says anti-inflammato­ries (such as minocyclin­e, an antibiotic with anti-inflammato­ry properties) have been shown to reduce symptoms of depression in patients and may prove to be safe alternativ­es to other drugs.

Professor Pariante also published a study involving data from 500,000 people that found those who were depressed had raised levels of a molecule known as C-reactive protein, a marker for inflammati­on.

‘This is the largest ever study on this and unequivoca­lly confirms that inflammati­on is present in depressed people,’ he told Good Health. But Professor Healy says ‘people with inflammato­ry states may have depressive symptoms but the idea “depression is caused by inflammati­on” is absurd’.

Professor Miller agrees that anti-inflammato­ry drugs are not ready for prime time in the treatment of psychiatri­c disorders and ‘there is not enough well-controlled data to guide their use, and many of the most effective anti-inflammato­ry drugs are also powerful immuno-suppressan­ts’. But he believes they are a promising field of further research.

rather than focusing on one ‘cure-all’, edward Bullimore, a neuropsych­iatrist and a professor of psychiatry at the university of Cambridge, says: ‘It is not going to be any one drug that works to cure people from depression, but a range of much more individual­ised treatments.

‘At the moment, it is very much one-size-fits-all when it comes to antidepres­sants, but I hope that is going to change in future.’

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