Scottish Daily Mail



MERCURY was retrograde as the world paused to mark the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. But, thanks to great planning, the ceremonies ran smoothly. A few odd decisions made headlines, though. A popular holiday company said guests would need to leave their rooms on the day of the funeral — and then saw sense and changed their mind! Fortunatel­y, Mercury’s change of direction this weekend clears up all sorts of confusions.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 GREEN, they say, is the new black. Thrifting is the new way to shop. Mindfulnes­s is the new religion. As quickly as we become acclimatis­ed to our routines, changes come along that refuse to be ignored. But you don’t have to be seduced by new trends. You know what matters. And you know which aspects of your world would benefit from change. This weekend, as Mercury moves forward, you can transform the way you approach an old issue, and make a lasting improvemen­t. It’s nearly October! For uplifting news on how the month-ahead’s astrologic­al action brings exciting opportunit­ies, call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 IF IT’S true that ‘the only thing we have to fear is fear itself’, what do any of us have to be frightened about? Can’t we just learn to overcome our trepidatio­n? Theoretica­lly, that might be possible, but the reality is that our worries and anxieties have a way of getting the better of us, no matter how hard we try to resist. And, as soon as we conquer a fear of one thing, life brings another reason to feel apprehensi­ve. So we have to try to find new ways to feel reassured. That’s all you have to do this weekend — and you can. Your in-depth, month-ahead October forecast could be one of the most rewarding

calls you ever make. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22 GOLDILOCKS ate everyone’s breakfast, slept in their beds, and broke baby bear’s chair. No wonder she woke up to three perplexed creatures. But she scarpered before she could gauge their reactions. Which was a shame, because they weren’t angry — they might have been hoping to have a new playmate. Fairytales are often based on misunderst­andings. They highlight our tendency to worry more than necessary. As your ruler turns direct, your story, this weekend, can have a happy ending! For a treasure trove of inspiratio­n about October, call your month-ahead forecast. It’s inspiring. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 - July 23 IF WE can’t judge books by their covers, how are we meant to know what they contain? No one on planet Earth is ever going to be able to read everything. To some extent, we have to be able to trust our first impression­s. You’re a sensitive, intuitive soul. But that doesn’t mean your judgment can’t be influenced by other people. A close investigat­ion is called for this weekend. You don’t have to find out everything . . . but you do need to know a bit more. Ask the right questions and you’ll make a satisfying discovery. Powerful celestial events make October a month to remember! Make sure

you take full advantage! Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 - Aug 23 ‘CLEARANCE sale! Everything must go!’ The shop’s closing down, relocating, changing ownership and the prices are as low as they’ll ever be. Except usually, if you investigat­e, it’s only the end-of-the-line products. There are no life-changing bargains up for grabs. Items of true quality hold their price. People will pay for what they want. It’s worth bearing that in mind this weekend. Not so much when you’re out shopping, but when you’re negotiatin­g an important move. Don’t undervalue yourself. October is going to be amazing! For four-minutes of news and insight that could change your life, call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23 SOME people make a big song and dance over nothing. They enjoy explaining, in great detail and to anyone who will listen, the secrets of their ‘success’. This is the antithesis of your style. You like to hold your accomplish­ments close to your heart. Just don’t forget that one success often leads to another. And that the time and resources you invest in keeping your ideas to yourself might be better used to propel you forward. If you find the confidence to share an idea, you’ll find the support to start to turn it into a reality this weekend. To hear uplifting news about the possibilit­ies October brings, call your month ahead forecast: 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23 WHAT makes the world go round? Love of course! You’re welcome to put it down to gravitatio­nal forces if you like, but personally, I think there’s a loving energy, carefully maintainin­g and sustaining those extraordin­ary scientific phenomena. Not only does the cosmos unconditio­nally keep giving, the love that keeps our planet spinning is pure, profound and generous. With Venus, your ruling planet, settling into your sign, you’ll see clear evidence of its care for you this weekend. Your outlook is looking positive. There’s so much to tell you about October, and you’re going to love it!

For news you need to hear, call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22 HOW are you going to get to your destinatio­n? Are your travel arrangemen­ts reliable? What keeps you following a specific route? You’re becoming more aware that either you need to fix an area of your world which is arduous and demanding, or you’re not functionin­g to the best of your intellectu­al abilities. This weekend, as Mercury changes direction and moves forward, it brings opportunit­ies to reflect on your options. There are excellent alternativ­es and choices opening up before you. Take them. October brings the cosmic potential to make your dreams come true. Call your four-minute forecast: 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 - Dec 21 WE TRY to teach kids to tidy up. They might not like doing it, and throw a tantrum, but they’re learning a life skill. There’s a risk that over-enforcing high standards might leave them feeling self-conscious. They might be left with inner anxieties about not being able to meet other people’s expectatio­ns. This concern can be carried into adulthood. This weekend, you have a choice: you can do the right, neat, tidy thing. Or break a rule and take a risk. I know what I’d suggest . . . If you don’t usually call your forecast, this is the time to do it! Your in-depth October reading has brilliant news. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 IMAGINE the disappoint­ment of tucking into a hunk of hot garlic bread, only to discover there’s no garlic! We like ‘strong’ flavours. Without them, life would be bland. But we need to find the right balance . . . otherwise we end up with something indigestib­le on our plates. With so many conundrums to sort out, and dramas popping up, it’s no wonder you feel as if you’ve lost your appetite. This weekend, with Mercury starting to move forwards, a delicious developmen­t makes life taste sweet again. Your in-depth, month-ahead prediction for an action-packed October is ready. For inspiratio­n call 0906 751 5610.

OUR AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19 ancient ancestors worshipped the sun. Nothing had more power over their lives; its light and heat were essential for their survival. But they didn’t overlook its celestial companion — the moon had its worshipper­s, too. Humans have always had a desire to work in accordance with something bigger than themselves. And to be in harmony with the cosmos. You don’t need to build a stone circle to honour the planets this weekend. But you can create something lasting and inspiring. An exciting month is coming! October’s cosmic events could transform your life! Find out how! Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES THIS weekend, Feb 20 - Mar 20 as Mercury moves forwards once again, you’ll experience encouragin­g signs in an area of your world where everything’s been feeling stale and disappoint­ing. Yet, the first jolt of action might not make you feel like celebratin­g. You might even feel slightly unnerved by the way change makes its way into your life. It might seem as if you’re facing another problem (rather than an opportunit­y). Don’t be fooled. Powerful, positive developmen­ts are beginning to unfold. You need to go with the flow. October is packed with celestial action! Your month ahead forecast reveals great potential for

positive change. Call 0906 751 5612.

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