Scottish Daily Mail

Can HRT stop you catching colds?

- Dr. Michael MOSLEY

MY FRIEND Brian says he never gets coughs or colds — he also sailed through the Covid years without getting infected.

And it’s not as if he shuts himself away — he’s one of the most sociable people i know, so is constantly exposed to other people’s bugs.

He eats a reasonably healthy diet, has regular cold showers and plays golf (shown to be great for your heart) but, apart from that, there’s nothing obvious about his lifestyle that explains his robust immunity. Perhaps he just inherited the right genes.

in fact there is good evidence that certain genetic mutations can protect people against nasty pathogens that could be fatal to the rest of us.

A few years ago, i made a film about the Black death, which killed at least a third of people in Britain.

yet others were immune and, because they survived, they passed on that genetic advantage. So should there be another outbreak, there are plenty of Britons today who would be protected.

And around 10 per cent of people who are exposed to HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, never get infected because they have mutations in a gene that stops the virus invading their cells.

Sadly, when it comes to the common cold, there is no obvious protective genetic mutation. The best we can say is that if you manage to get through the year with just one or two mild respirator­y illnesses it suggests that, like Brian, you have an effective immune system.

But if you often pick up infections, find them difficult to shake off, or are a slow healer when it comes to cuts and wounds, your immune system could probably do with a bit of re-tuning.

We know that losing weight and a good night’s sleep are great for your immune system but what else helps?


MAN flu isn’t a myth — there is plenty of evidence that women have stronger immune systems.

We know from Covid that men are 60 per cent more likely to die, if they get infected, than women and that seems to be partly because many of the genes responsibl­e for immunity are found on the X chromosome (women have two X chromosome­s; men have one).

Women also have the edge because the hormone oestrogen helps strengthen the immune system, while the male hormone, testostero­ne, weakens it.

That also means, however, that when women’s oestrogen levels fall with the menopause, so does their defence against infections. So might taking HRT (hormone replacemen­t therapy) help?

A 2016 review in the journal Climacteri­c, which looked at HRT’S impact, concluded that it did indeed help reverse the damage to the immune system.


WHAT you eat has a big effect on your gut microbes and these in turn have a big impact on your immune system.

A study last year which looked at the eating habits of more than 5,000 Spanish people who’d been exposed to Covid, found that those who ate a Mediterran­ean-style diet (rich in oily fish, fruit, veg and wholegrain­s) were 64 per cent less likely to get infected and become seriously ill than those who didn’t.

And include bitter-tasting vegetables such as broccoli, kale and cabbage, as these are rich in glucosinol­ates, compounds that give them their bitter taste and which have been shown to boost our immune defences.


DURING the winter months we spend a lot more time indoors in centrally heated rooms, which dries the air and the mucus lining our airway. But because mucus helps trap microbes, this impairs your body’s ability to fight off infections.

i drink a glass of water with every meal, as well as tea and coffee. using a humidifier helps, too.


WE ALL know about the importance of getting enough vitamin C in our diets, but vitamin d is just as important for immunity, if not more so, particular­ly during the cold, dark winter months, when vitamin d levels plunge due to a lack of strong sunlight.

While eggs and oily fish are good sources, the NHS recommends that between October and March all adults take a 10mcg vitamin d supplement every day.


LIKE Brian, i have a cold shower most mornings, starting with a burst of hot water, followed by 40 seconds or so of the icy cold stuff. it perks me up and i hope it’s doing my immune system some good.

in a 2016 study, dutch researcher­s found that people who had a cold shower every day for a month were 30 per cent less likely to take time off for sickness than those who didn’t.

Brief immersion in cold water increases blood flow to your organs and that blood carries with it immune cells. The good news is you don’t need to do it for long!


TO HELP distract me from the initial pain of the cold water i sing, loudly. And research shows that singing, too, is good for immunity.

A study by imperial College london found that after an hour of choir singing, people had significan­tly lower levels of the stress hormone, cortisol (which suppresses the immune system) — as well as more cytokines, proteins that play a role in helping your body fight serious illness.


WE ALL know exercise is good for us, but a brisk walk is a great way to keep your immune system in good shape.

in a study, post-menopausal women did either 45 minutes of brisk walking or 45 minutes of stretching, five days a week. After a year the walkers reported three times fewer colds than the stretchers, reported the American Journal of Medicine in 2006.

like cold showers, brisk exercise boosts circulatio­n, helping immune cells move around your body.

Walking in a wood is even better, as trees produce aromatic compounds that boost levels of our white blood cells that seek out and destroy viruses.

in theory, essential oils such as eucalyptus could have a similar effect, but the evidence is largely anecdotal — so save your money.

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