Scottish Daily Mail

Chilled and grilled at the podium of doom


BeTH Rigby has a stare that could freeze lava. The Sky News host trained her icy glare on Ash Regan, first victim in last night’s SNP leadership debate. The former community safety minister was summoned forward.

Rigby’s eyes narrowed as she read a series of poll findings. They showed the public considered the woman in front of her incompeten­t and untrustwor­thy.

If Regan’s independen­ce thermomete­r did temperatur­es, it would have been registerin­g somewhere below zero.

‘Can a rookie walk straight into the office of First Minister?’ Rigby demanded. ‘I’m far from a rookie,’ Regan protested. ‘I’ve been in government for almost five years.’

Rigby registered no expression. She leapt, panther-like, onto Regan’s plans for an independen­t currency.

Was she still claiming it would only take a few months? Regan insisted she had been misquoted and that it would take ‘between two and three years’ to set up a central bank. She would start work on it her first day in Bute House.

Again, Rigby was impassive. ‘What other institutio­ns do you need to set up?’ Regan hesitated. ‘You don’t know?’

The leadership hopeful reiterated that she would establish a central bank.

Rigby fixed her prey with an arctic gaze. ‘What institutio­ns do you need other than a central bank?’

Regan stuttered. ‘That’s that institutio­n you need… this is a credible plan… I can’t give you all the details yet…’

My toes were curling with secondary embarrassm­ent. Tell her something, I was shrieking at the TV, tell her anything!

Finally, Regan pleaded: ‘What other institutio­ns are you talking about?’

‘The independen­t debt management office. The fiscal watchdog.’ Rigby’s tone was deadpan. Regan’s campaign was just dead. She pointed out that the First Minister has economic advisers.

‘Thanks for clearing that up,’ Rigby snipped, ‘but you do need other institutio­ns, as your advisers will tell you.’

Her voice dripped with contempt. She moved onto the indy thermomete­r. Oh God, make it stop.

Regan said it was not her idea, that she had heard others talking about it, then said it could be ‘an index’. By the end of her answer, it had been scaled back to ‘informatio­n on a website’.

It still wasn’t over. Rigby called in Humza Yousaf to question his former colleague.

He accused her of contradict­ing herself on currency. ‘I’ve never contradict­ed myself,’ Regan countered, citing her answers to Rigby. ‘I’m pleased that, three weeks into the campaign, you’ve managed to clear that up,’ Yousaf quipped.

Kate Forbes was beckoned forward for her humiliatio­n. Rigby pressed her on banning conversion therapy.

Forbes said the practice was ‘abhorrent’ and she supported a ban. Those dreaded eyes tightened again. Forbes had said ‘coercive’ conversion should be illegal but what about when an individual consents? Would she outlaw that too?

The helpless Highlander said everyone should be free to live as they wanted with whatever was their choice.

‘Choice,’ Rigby retorted, as though it was a four-letter word.

Yousaf jumped in to accuse Forbes of ‘appealing to Conservati­ves’. The horror!

Then he said she was going backwards in the polls. ‘Polling?’ she retorted. ‘I don’t think that’s where you’re particular­ly strong.’

Finally, the man himself was bidden to the podium of doom. Rigby ran through every NHS target he had missed. He tried to blame Covid for not meeting cancer waiting times.

‘You haven’t met it since 2010,’ she replied. He accused her of ‘changing the goal posts’.

‘It’s not my targets,’ she reminded him. ‘I’m just telling you they’ve been missed.’ Regan piped up that Yousaf had claimed credit for the Queensferr­y Crossing even though ‘it had nothing to do with you’.

Yousaf accused her of attacking the SNP’s record.

‘Don’t put words in my mouth,’ she snapped. ‘You came in at the end. You had a role – in the six-month delay at the end’.

We don’t need an opposition at Holyrood any more. Just play these debates on loop until the next election.

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 ?? ?? Who needs an opposition? The three rivals before last night’s Sky News leadership hustings at Hopetoun House, South Queensferr­y
Who needs an opposition? The three rivals before last night’s Sky News leadership hustings at Hopetoun House, South Queensferr­y

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