Scottish Daily Mail

It’s the ‘zork’... an eco cork with a twist

- By Sean Poulter Consumer Affairs Editor

OPENING a bottle of fizz and hearing the ‘pop’ is a magical moment.

But the next time you’re doing the honours, the cork might have turned into a ‘zork’ – a black plastic stopper that twists off with a hiss.

The zork, which is resealable, is supposedly recyclable, and cheaper to make than mushroom-shaped sparkling wine stoppers, many of which are already made from plastic.

It’s argued that the zork, pictured, is more eco-friendly because it replaces both the foil wrapper and the mushroom-shaped stopper – although it lacks a satisfying pop. Its newly approved use for sparkling wines is one of a number of changes to red tape rules around fizz as officials seek to boost innovation from producers and importers.

The British winemaking industry has seen a 74 per cent growth in the hectarage of vines in the last five years.

But while zorks may soon be seen on English sparkling wines, New World tipples and perhaps cava and prosecco, they are not likely to be chosen by French producers for champagne, who will stick to the traditiona­l cork.

The Department for Environmen­t, Food and Rural Affairs said that, historical­ly, the mushroom-shaped stopper and foil wrap were necessary ‘to support the marketing of sparkling wine products sold as premium products’.

But, announcing the change, it said: ‘The sparkling wine market has subsequent­ly evolved and is much broader, with many producers seeking new ways to meet consumer demand to reduce packaging waste.’ The Government is also removing the requiremen­t for imported wines to have an importer address on the label, making trade easier and cheaper. And outdated regulation­s around bottle shapes will be scrapped so producers can use different styles.

Miles Beale, of the Wine and Spirit Trade Associatio­n, said: ‘At a time when businesses are doing all they can to minimise packaging waste, changes to packaging rules will be good for business, the environmen­t and consumers.’

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