Scottish Daily Mail

Our weak-kneed ‘leaders’ have been brutally exposed by gender review – it’s time for change


IN the slow demise of a dogma, we are seeing the unquestion­able become the untenable. These are early days yet, but the momentum has shifted against gender ideology. Dr Hilary Cass’s review has shocked some out of their complacenc­y and many more out of their cowardice. It pours Arctic-cold water over NHS policy and clinical practice when it comes to children confused about their identity.

Not least in regards to puberty blockers, hormone suppressan­ts that, given to adolescent­s, prevent their bodies from undergoing the natural chemical and biological processes of puberty.

Of the 900 children referred to endocrinol­ogy (hormone treatment) between 2018 and 2022, four-fifths were placed on puberty blockers.

Yet Dr Cass concludes there is ‘no evidence that puberty blockers buy time to think’ and notes ‘concern that they may change the trajectory of psychosexu­al and gender identity developmen­t’. Her report finds that the current approach to treating gender-confused youngsters is ‘built on shaky foundation­s’.


The Cass Review only covered NHS England because health is devolved here. But the damning nature of her findings will pile pressure on the Scottish Government to take heed of her recommenda­tions. NHS Scotland is already behind its English counterpar­t in still allowing routine prescripti­on of puberty blockers.

At the crux lies a simple question: should Scottish children be at greater risk than English children when they go to a doctor? That question will have to be answered – but this cannot amount to nothing more than a new protocol and a few outings of ‘lessons must be learned’.

Not just the NHS, not just the Scottish Government, but the great sweep of public life allowed itself to fall under the spell of an ideology.

The most senior levels of government and the public sector allowed themselves to be not so much lobbied as converted by small, marginal pressure groups.

At times it seemed as though fulfilling the wishes of these groups had become the end in itself. It certainly seemed that way with the Gender Recognitio­n Reform Bill, a piece of legislatio­n that read as though it had been written by those pressure groups. In a roundabout way, it had.

One dissenting voice after another was disregarde­d. One safeguard after another dismissed. Too many were concerned about being on the right side of history than the right side of the evidence.

Whether ‘gender affirming healthcare’, the GRR Bill, or the Hate Crime Act, Scottish Government ministers and opposition leaders like Anas Sarwar and Alex Cole-Hamilton allowed lobby organisati­ons like Stonewall and the Equality Network to do their thinking for them.

Lobbyists have their place in politics – more’s the pity – but when you listen almost exclusivel­y to one side, you produce the kind of laws and policies Holyrood has been turning out.

You become so fixated on pandering to a familiar cast of ‘stakeholde­rs’ that you neglect to listen to the most important stakeholde­rs of all: the voters.

The voters have been kept almost as far away from the decision-making on gender policy as women’s rights groups, religious objectors and worried parents. Their concerns have barely registered for a political and governing elite who regard them as ignorant, if not outright bigoted.

True enough, few of them are au fait with all the underlying concepts and terminolog­ies. They have not waded through the thickets of gender theory or the rest of the intellectu­al detritus pumped out by postmodern­ist jargon-wranglers in the humanities department­s. Some of them have never even heard of Judith Butler.

But this is their country. They pay the taxes that fund the permanent debacle at the foot of the Royal Mile. Their lives are governed by its laws. They ought to factor somewhere in the formation of policy.

Not because ordinary people have a superior understand­ing of gender medicine – they do not – but because they are the ultimate arbiters of the mainstream.

Policymake­rs are not enlightene­d despots. They are public servants encumbered by democracy, however much they might resent that.

Leadership often involves unpopular calls and that is when persuasion, consensus-building and candour are all the more essential. There are some in Scottish political life who appear to consider it a virtue when a policy is disdained by the average person in the street. Let’s not pretend there isn’t an element of social snobbery at work here.

The way policy is made within the Scottish Government needs to change. Ministers ought to be able to see that for themselves. The status quo is not working and is doing more to bring their agenda to grief than anything the opposition does.

Policy should be made by listening to the widest range of voices, following the evidence, and designing proposals that are workable and able to command the support of the public at large.

In the matter of gender policy, especially as it affects children and young people, the number one priority should be those very youngsters. Their wellbeing and safety are paramount. They are at a stage in life where questions of identity can feel overwhelmi­ng. They need adults to be taking decisions that safeguard their best interests, not putting their own ideologica­l agendas first.


Because what the Cass Review documents is more than poorly managed systems or good intentions run amok. It is an indictment of people in power who spurned their duties out of political correctnes­s and fear and a weak-kneed desire for an easy life. And because they did so, some of the most vulnerable members of society were left unprotecte­d when they needed it most.

A lot of people breathed a sigh of relief when that report dropped. Not just gender critics and parents and whistleblo­wing clinicians, but even, I would be willing to bet, some trans rights activists.

What Dr Cass’s investigat­ions lay bare is just how readily a clinical pathway can be approved in the NHS despite a paucity of evidence and how otherwise rationalmi­nded medical profession­als will go along with it, no questions asked. That is a disturbing state of affairs, whatever your views on gender identity.

The rapid spread through medicine of a fringe ideology, unsupporte­d by empirical evidence, mirrors how that ideology captured government, political parties and public bodies. It is a screaming red alarm warning us our institutio­ns lack basic guardrails to prevent them falling under the sway of untested dogma. If we don’t heed that alarm, it will happen again.

In Scotland, political leaders from the First Minister on down must reckon with their own role in this episode. Few were willing to speak out when that was a truly courageous act. Most went along because that was the direction everyone else was walking in. These are the people who failed in their duties – and their failure will stand as an example of why things must be done differentl­y in future.

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