Scottish Field

‘We butcher and fillet all the meat on board the ship’

Kintyre scallop, crab salad & pickled cucumber


Diver-caught scallop & crab mix

100g crab 20g brunoise spring onion 30g tomato concasse 20g mayonnaise 15g tomato ketchup 4g chiffonade coriander Squeeze of lemon juice Zest of lemon and lime


1 avocado 1 lime (juice) 10g coriander


1 cucumber 500ml water/stock 250ml white wine 150ml white wine vinegar 100ml olive oil 4 shallots sliced 2 sprigs thyme 2 bay leaves 8 cloves of garlic 2 tbsp coriander seed


20g brunoise shallot 20g sliced spring onion 84ml Champagne 50g tomato concasse Dash of lemon juice Chives Olive oil

Method: Open scallop, remove from shell and slice through the middle.

Crab mix: Boil crab for 6-8 mins to cook then refresh in iced water, continue to crack the claws and arms, removing the meat. Check meat for shell, then combine with all ingredient­s and season, portion to 20g per plate and chill.

Avocado: Combine ingredient­s in mixer and blitz. Season and set aside for service.

Cucumber: Peel cucumber, using a Parisian scoop make small balls. For pickling, place all other ingredient­s in a pan and bring to boil, then allow to cool and infuse. Once cooled pour over the cucumber balls.

Dressing: Sauté shallot and spring onion to soften, add champagne and reduce, add tomato to warm only. Finish with lemon, oil and chives.

Plating: Assemble the components nicely, sear and cook the scallop and dress with tomato dressing. Finish with coriander leaves and radish.

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