Scottish Field


Finding the Hebridean seascapes a powerful muse, Margaret Soraya believes we can all learn from the peace and tranquilit­y of solitude


Margaret Soraya finds peace in the Hebrides' stormy weather

Finding calm in a world full of distractio­n can sometimes seem an impossible task, but for landscape and wedding photograph­er Margaret Soraya, the epitome of peace, tranquilit­y and mindfulnes­s lies only a stone’s throw from our doorsteps, writes Rosie Morton. Based in Drumnadroc­hit and frequently venturing over to the Hebrides, the seascapes of the islands have served as creative spaces for Soraya – powerful in their solitude and vivid in their blue, green and turquoise palettes.

Deeply concerned with the positive state of quietude, Soraya finds the untouched beauty of coastline and white sands her ideal muse – and water has a large role to play in that. ‘I always had this dream of living by the sea,’ she says, explaining she ‘tootles round’ Loch Ness every day for a swim. ‘Water is where I feel completely at home – it makes me feel so calm and alive.

‘My photograph­y is about how I’m feeling in that moment. And that’s a lot to do with being alone. I just feel amazing and happy and revitalise­d when I’m alone. That’s what I’m trying to bring out in the images.’

Capturing a beautiful juxtaposit­ion of calm in a storm, doing so by slowing down the shutter speed of her camera, her dreamy images are intrinsica­lly ‘quiet’ – an element of her work she has found immensely beneficial to her mental wellbeing. Often waiting long periods for the right conditions, Soraya camps out in her van awaiting the perfect storm.

‘Saligo Bay, on Islay, is just such a nice memory,’ she says. ‘It was this really awe-inspiring day. I had been waiting four days on the island, and when the waves came they were incredible.’

Water is where I feel completely at home – it makes me feel so calm and alive

 ??  ?? On the crest of a wave: Soraya took this beautiful snap at Luskentyre Beach on the Isle of Harris.
On the crest of a wave: Soraya took this beautiful snap at Luskentyre Beach on the Isle of Harris.
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 ??  ?? Clockwise from top left: A winter storm crashes onto Birsay, a snap that Soraya crawled along cliffs to capture; Isle of Harris wave in all its turquoise glory; sea spray at Dalmore Beach, Isle of Lewis.
Clockwise from top left: A winter storm crashes onto Birsay, a snap that Soraya crawled along cliffs to capture; Isle of Harris wave in all its turquoise glory; sea spray at Dalmore Beach, Isle of Lewis.
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 ??  ?? Opposite top: The stormy seas at Birsay, Orkney. Opposite bottom: The photos taken at Saligo Bay, Islay, are among Soraya’s personal favourites. Top: During a particular­ly cold winter spell, the mist rises from Loch Ness. Right: Scarista Sands on the Isle of Harris, Outer Hebrides.
Opposite top: The stormy seas at Birsay, Orkney. Opposite bottom: The photos taken at Saligo Bay, Islay, are among Soraya’s personal favourites. Top: During a particular­ly cold winter spell, the mist rises from Loch Ness. Right: Scarista Sands on the Isle of Harris, Outer Hebrides.
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 ??  ?? Top: Cliff beach on the Isle of Lewis.
Above: Secret serenity at Seilebost, Harris, taken from above.
Top: Cliff beach on the Isle of Lewis. Above: Secret serenity at Seilebost, Harris, taken from above.
 ??  ?? To view more of Margaret Soraya’s landscape photograph­y, visit her website, www.margaretso­
To view more of Margaret Soraya’s landscape photograph­y, visit her website, www.margaretso­

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