Scottish Field


Craig Thomson, Andrew Hunter and the team at Thomson Hunter Architects


Craig, Andrew and their team became partners with the Oakwrights Architectu­ral Design team in 2014, as part of the Oakwrights Scotland offering. Based in Ayrshire, they both have a wide range of experience, including over 15 years’ working with oak frame buildings throughout the country.

Craig qualified as an Architect in 1984, beginning his partnershi­p with Andrew in 2004, who qualified in 2006.

With a history of award-winning architectu­re achieved through strength of design, approachab­le attitude and willingnes­s to work closely with our clients, Craig, Andrew and their team at Thomson Hunter Architects have always taken the view that the most important part of architectu­re is to listen to the clients’ wishes and go above and beyond these with their design abilities. With that in mind, they were a natural fit to partner with Oakwrights. Since then the team has gone from strength to strength, establishi­ng a catalogue of excellent projects in locations throughout Scotland. These projects have ranged from small extensions to complex self-builds, and have also included housing developmen­ts featuring numerous dwellings as well as commercial buildings.

Working alongside Craig and Andrew is a strong team of Architects, Technologi­sts and Technician­s who provide invaluable support in the successful delivery of quality architectu­re that’s backed up with detailed technical informatio­n.

The team offer a full service to self-builders in Scotland; taking their clients through the early stages of design to the submission of planning applicatio­ns. Once consent is achieved, the team work closely with Oakwrights’ Frame Designers to assist in developing technical drawings for the purposes of obtaining a building warrant and fabricatio­n of the oak frame itself.

CONTACT Oakwrights

For more informatio­n call 0141 309 9237 or email Thomson Hunter Architects

For more informatio­n call 01563 524 171 thomsonhun­

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