Scottish Field

Thomas Robinson Architects


If you’re lucky enough to own or manage a large Scottish estate, then the issue of what to do with it may have crossed your mind. With beautiful property comes responsibi­lity. Our historic buildings need preserving, but we also have a duty to manage the land and keep everything running for future generation­s to enjoy.

Today, there are more possibilit­ies than ever for such estates. We have been working as part of the project delivery team on the renovation of a large Inner Hebrides estate, converting the main house and outbuildin­gs into luxury guest accommodat­ion, soon to open alongside a new world-class links golf course. The owner has created his ultimate Scottish idyll.

However, such owners are usually busy people, working globally. Our job as architects is to interpret what is wanted and needed, then gather an expert team to design and deliver the project without causing the owner stress. We create an estate masterplan and see it through. As creative and practical Scottish architects with specialist conservati­on accreditat­ion, and wide experience of working in the local landscape, culture and vernacular architectu­re, we understand these beautiful northerly estates innately.

We have a great love of grand Scottish architectu­re. But we’re not just familiar with buildings, we are also at ease with the crucial planning process, and the temperamen­tal Highland weather and its effects on historic estates, not to mention an affinity with building sustainabl­y. Our little black books burst with contacts for teams of specialist tradesmen, craftspeop­le, builders and engineers. We know who we can trust to do the job.

The options for such estates include transformi­ng outbuildin­gs into gyms and swimming pools, adjusting grand houses into hotels, or adding luxury accommodat­ion in new or existing estate property. Sometimes, simply upgrading a space to host a proper ceilidh or shooting party is all that’s required. Whether you opt for traditiona­l country-estate interior design style or go for the current trend for high Victoriana, the buildings themselves – often listed – need to be renovated respectful­ly.

There are many sensitive issues about renovating listed and heritage property, particular­ly if designing modern additions to notable buildings. Careful thought is needed to get beyond strict planning laws, but also to preserve each estate’s beauty and integrity and yet make them fit for fabulous 21st-century living and entertaini­ng.


If you’ve got a heritage property or estate and would like to chat about the options available, contact Thomas Robinson Architects on 01360 661144 or email mail@thomasrobi­nsonarchit­ www.thomasrobi­nsonarchit­

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