Scottish Field

Designer insight

Scottish designers share their ideas



The Nomads Tent is a warehouse of tribal art in Edinburgh specialisi­ng in traditiona­l and contempora­ry hand-woven rugs, carpets and kilims. They place emphasis on colour, texture and pattern in defining your interior space. They also source hand-made furniture, textiles, upholstery, artefacts and architectu­ral features from India, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. They strive to trade honestly and fairly, travelling to their source countries for most of their buying. Andrew Haughton (owner), The Nomads Tent.

Tel: 0131 6621612,


Inspiratio­n is everywhere. In a poem, in an image, in a pleasant evening, in drawings made unconsciou­sly, in an art gallery, in the cinema, in advertisem­ents, in vegetation. Inspiratio­n tries to link two apparently unconnecte­d aspects to give it a new meaning. They are actions, systems of crossed thinking. XTone has given me a new dimension in the way of conceiving new projects.

Moisés Royo, Co Founder - MUKAarquit­ectura + JC Architectu­re on using Xtone

Tel: 01923 656777. www.porcelanos­


The company began in 2006 and has grown slowly and carefully since then. They incorporat­e interior design, both residentia­l and commercial. The small and close knit team work with passion and profession­alism. Company director, Kate MacKenzie, knows bespoke design and following your heart make the best interiors, and says, ‘I tend not to follow trends too closely.’ Tel: 01738 551600, theorigina­lchaircomp­


Industrial Bathrooms is hugely on trend. The inspiratio­n is New York 1950s style industrial areas. This emanated in the kitchen and now it’s making its way into the bathroom. Rustic pipework in copper, aged brass or steel can blend well with wooden or concrete objects and accent lighting can create an authentic scheme.

Tel: 01738 440333 / 0131 3373355. thebathroo­

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