Scottish Field

Beth Robertson Fiddes


One of the most exciting and unique Scottish landscape painters working today, few who have seen her paintings forget the impact they create. With a growing internatio­nal reputation, Beth’s solo exhibition ‘Light & Tide’ opens in the Strathearn Gallery, Crieff on 21st March.

A recent move from Ullapool further north to Elphin in Sutherland has brought artist Beth Robertson Fiddes even closer to some of her favourite sources of inspiratio­n.

“With views of Cul Mor and Sula Bheinn now literally on my doorstep and the often wild coast of Assynt only a short distance away, I’ve had the chance to explore lochs, burns and rocky summits that I’ve never seen before. I feel very lucky to have settled in such a special place.”

Since graduating from Edinburgh College of Art in 1995, Beth has focussed on travelling around the West Highlands and Islands of Scotland to collect source material and sketches which are then worked up into far larger pieces in her studio. Bridging between realism and abstract painting, Beth’s unique portrayal of the Scottish landscape uses a mixture of styles to achieve her remarkable effects - paper is added for texture alongside oil paint and inks, parts are washed off and sanded back time and time again until Beth is happy with the result. There are often elements of controlled experiment, and sometimes accident, but each time moving the painting technique forward. The final result is a take on Scottish landscape art like no other and whether painting the stillness, depth and transparen­cy of a rock pool or a moving, frothing, crashing wave, Beth Robertson Fiddes paints water with a skill very few artists possess.

“I’m interested in the passage of time and my perception that in looking at a landscape, certain things seem transient, fleeting and elusive, alive almost. With tides, splashes, breaking waves and angry waters I’m trying to catch a moment - to imagine that moment is all the time I have, a life in a millisecon­d and to find, save and preserve forms and structures in the movement.”

With paintings based on the seemingly unchanging, immovable rocks and mountains, Beth is looking for evidence of movement and change -“I have a quest to see or feel things as I did before I knew what everything was. To a time when I felt everything had a connection and the world seemed full of possibilit­ies...”

From the wild waves of Oldshoremo­re and Clachtoll to the tranquil rock pools and shorelines of Iona and Eigg, this latest exhibition is a perfect representa­tion of Beth’s ongoing fascinatio­n with the interactio­n between landscape, water and the elements.

For those unfamiliar with Beth’s work, it is difficult to convey the formidable scale and depth of these paintings. However once viewed in person, art buyers are returning time and time again to see this exceptiona­lly talented artist’s work which makes this latest show a must see exhibition. ‘Light & Tide’ Solo Exhibition by Beth Robertson Fiddes opens 11am 21st March 2020 at The Strathearn Gallery, Crieff and runs until 19th April.

Beth will be visiting the gallery on Saturday 21st March during the afternoon to speak about her work.

In associatio­n with

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The Strathearn Gallery 32 West High Street Crieff, Perthshire, PH7 4DL, Scotland T: 01764 656 100
Gallery hours: Monday - Saturday 10am - 5pm Sunday 12pm - 4pm The Strathearn Gallery 32 West High Street Crieff, Perthshire, PH7 4DL, Scotland T: 01764 656 100
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