Scottish Field

Renaissanc­e Care

Delivering personalis­ed care to residents starts with valuing staff, their aspiration and their talents


Life within a Renaissanc­e home focusses on delivering an excellent service within homely environmen­ts, however there’s an understand­ing that to achieve this, it’s essential to provide person-centred and tailored care to all individual­s: residents, relatives and our workforce.

The nature of personalis­ed care encourages our people from all areas of the business to break barriers to bring their personal talents and interests into the home, with the support of management and colleagues.

Part of this includes the introducti­on of one-page profiles for staff members that are shared around the business, read by colleagues and residents, and displayed in homes. This allows staff to form a closer bond and encourages residents to get to know the staff better.

Particular­ly in large businesses, it can be easy for people to fade into the group and not recognise their own value and contributi­on as significan­t and noteworthy. Each role within the care sector business is as essential as the next: without housekeepe­rs, kitchen staff, maintenanc­e teams, care or management teams, a home does not function effectivel­y. Therefore, respecting and valuing each person and their contributi­on becomes even more essential.

As a result of this developing culture, we have helped Percy, 102, relive his career in the force with a ride in a police car, John, 78, who was a profession­al rugby player in his youth to visit Murrayfiel­d Stadium and meet Scotland legend Chris Paterson, and countless other residents across our homes have worked with staff to set and achieve their goals.

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