Scottish Field

Motherwell: A Girlhood



In this posthumous memoir following her death in October 2019, Deborah Orr explores the deeply complex relationsh­ip she had with both her home town of Motherwell and her mother.

Orr was an award-winning journalist renowned for her unapologet­ic and candid column writing through which she gained a loyal following across the newspapers she worked for. It was in her column for the Guardian in 2017 that she revealed her diagnosis of complex post-traumatic stress disorder, stemming from her working-class childhood and the problemati­c relationsh­ip she had with her parents. From there she decided to write this memoir.

Much to the disapprova­l of her parents, the young Orr set her sights on going to university and leaving Motherwell to carve out her own career and a life away from the trappings of traditiona­l domesticit­y. Orr discloses some traumatic memories which include those that are all too familiar for a woman coming of age in a time before the #MeToo era.

Orr’s account of what it was like growing up in Motherwell in the 60s and 70s highlights an attitude which commanded conformity and a resistance towards anything or anyone considered to be different. I found it tragically fascinatin­g to read Orr describe her parents as ‘the jailers that I loved’. This gives a sense of the problemati­c relationsh­ip Orr had while she tried to navigate her way through a modern world which both her mother and father seemed so very reluctant to be a part of.

Many of Orr’s generation will recognise the harsher realities of living in a working-class town in Scotland during the period of deindustri­alisation. Orr shines the harsh light of reality on the many pitfalls for the baby boomer generation.

The book illustrate­s the lasting effects of broken relationsh­ips, trauma and the idea that all of us are haunted by something in one way or another. Honest, raw and deeply moving, this memoir is a commentary on the bond between parent and child combined with the inherent desire to establish one’s own identity.

Many of Orr’s generation will recognise the harsher realities of living in a workingcla­ss town

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