Scottish Field

The baking bible


All hail Coinneach MacLeod, aka The Hebridean Baker! He had my taste buds positively tingling with his fantastic recipes in your January 2022 edition of Scottish Field magazine. My husband and I gave his savoury oats a go and I have little doubt they will become our Sunday brunch tradition.

We're just waiting for the gannets (our darling children) to return home for Christmas and we can introduce them to it. Who knows, perhaps it will inspire them to upgrade their 'go-to' student dinners of white pasta, nachos and never-ending pizza. We can but hope.

We also had a good laugh over Coinneach's baking stories, particular­ly the Bride's Bonn. I think our daughter might have something to say about being bashed on the head with shortbread on her wedding day... And poor old Flora MacDonald! Fancy being snatched away while enjoying her Scots Flummery. I do hope they at least let her finish it before whisking her away so unceremoni­ously. Lindsay Fraser, Inverness

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