Scottish Field

Baked Scallop

- From Jordan Clark

Serves 4 Ingredient­s For the Thai broth

Rapeseed oil

1 red pepper, finely sliced

2cm ginger, finely grated

1 clove of garlic, crushed

½ stick of lemongrass, crushed

1 red chilli, finely sliced

1 tsp of tomato purée

250ml good quality fish stock

100ml of coconut milk Handful of coriander

For the scallops

4 hand dived scallops

100g puff pastry

100g shallots, sliced

2 egg yolks beaten Seaweed or rock salt for serving

1 sprig of thyme Zest of ½ lime

10g samphire

Method For the Thai broth

Heat a heavy bottomed pan and add a glug of oil.

Sweat the red peppers, garlic, ginger, lemongrass and chilli.

Cook for 3-4 mins.

Add the tomato purée and cook for 2-3 mins.

Add the fish stock and cook until the mixture has a syrupy consistenc­y.

Add the coconut milk, bring back to the boil and reduce slightly.

Season with salt and add the coriander.

Blend in a food processor or using a hand blender, pass through a sieve and cool.

To prepare the scallops, slip a sharp knife between the shells and cut through the large white muscle tab to release one side of the shell.

Pry open the shell and scoop out the meat.

Separate the white meat from the outer skirt and roe.

Rinse scallops and keep them in the fridge on a paper towel.

Rinse the shells and pat them dry.

To assemble, cut the scallops in half, season and place 4 pieces on each shell.

Top with lime zest, samphire and thyme.

Cover with 3 tbsp of Thai broth and top with the other shell.

Preheat the oven to 200°C.

Roll out puff pastry and cut into thin strips.

Place a strip around each scallop to seal the two shells together.

Gently press the pastry in place to ensure the seal is tight.

Brush with egg yolk.

Cook in hot oven for 10 mins until the pastry is golden brown.

Serve on a bed of rock salt or seaweed.

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