Scottish Field

Venison Wellington

- From Harris McNeill

Serves 4 Ingredient­s

For the Mushroom Duxelle

500g of flat field mushrooms

3 shallots, finely sliced

2 garlic cloves, puréed

1 sprig of thyme, leaves chopped

1 dash of rapeseed oil Salt


For the constructi­on

300g venison fillet per portion trimmed and seared (1200g total)

3 slices prosciutto

2 tsp mustard Mushroom duxelle

Square puff pastry

2 egg yolks Picked thyme (for garnish)


Make the duxelle by either finely chopping or pulsing the mushrooms in a food processor.

Add a dash of rapeseed oil to a saucepan, place over a medium heat and add the shallots and garlic.

Sweat down until lightly softened, then add the chopped thyme and mushrooms.

Cook on a low heat and season generously with salt and pepper.

Transfer to a food processor and pulse.

Leave to chill.

Overlap two pieces of cling film over a large chopping board. Lay 3 slices prosciutto on the cling film, slightly overlappin­g, in a double row.

Spread mustard on prosciutto, followed by 2 tablespoon­s of duxelle, ensuring square big enough to encase whole fillet.

Then sit the fillet on it. Use the cling film’s edges to draw the prosciutto around the fillet, then roll it into a sausage shape, twisting the ends of cling film to tighten it as you go.

Chill the fillet. Unravel the fillet from the cling film and sit it in the centre of a strip of pastry.

Beat the 2 egg yolks with 1 tsp water and brush the pastry’s edges, and the top and sides of the wrapped fillet.

Carefully lift the pastry over the fillet, pressing well into the sides and sealing with egg yolk.

Brush outside of venison pastry parcel with egg yolk.

For medium rare, cook for 18-20 mins and rest for five minutes.

Serve with sautéed green vegetables. Garnish with picked thyme.

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