Scottish Field



I greatly enjoyed the stories of Scotland in the September issue of Scottish Field's Autumn Breaks feature. Reading some of these myths and legends from around the country brought back memories of fairytales that I was told as a child.

But there was something missing, a distinct lack of one creature that can be seen all across this land. The Unicorn.

Despite being Scotland's national animal it seems there are precious few tales to be found that feature unicorns.

The beast is seen as a symbol of purity and power which is said to only be able to be kept captive by kings or virgin maidens.

Perhaps this is why James II embraced unicorns in the 15th century, making them a symbol of power and nobility.

Two unicorns featured on the Scottish Coat of Arms before the Union of the Crowns in 1603. As they are often depicted, this pair are in chains. This is thought to symbolise how wild and hard to tame they were.

As you might have guessed I'm quite keen on unicorns and like nothing better than a trip out with my grandchild­ren, who have inherited my liking for these fantastica­l beasts. Everywhere we go we like to spot them.

So far in Edinburgh we've spotted unicorns at The Palace of Holyroodho­use, Edinburgh Castle and St Giles' Cathedral. I'm sure there are more and would love to know where next to visit to find them. Perhaps your readers can help?

Stirling Castle is a bit of a unicorn hotspot and we've visited HMS Unicorn in Dundee, which is one of the world's oldest warships.

Mrs M Croft, Edinburgh

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