Scottish Field

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Scottish property finders Garrington explore the challenge of finding a home in a location that offers the right schooling


Children across Scotland will have now returned to, or have started at a new school, naturally at this time of year many parents begin to think ahead. With school applicatio­n deadlines approachin­g in the coming months those looking to move home and secure a place at their school of choice will need to begin their search imminently if it is not already underway.

Scotland has a number of highly regarded state and independen­t schools and competitio­n for places can be fierce, as is the demand for homes in the surroundin­g areas, presenting both challenges and opportunit­ies for parents seeking to find the balance between the right school and the right location to buy a home.

Family priorities

Living close to a top performing school is always going to be an attractive propositio­n for family buyers, but at what cost? The debate between funding an independen­t education or allocating money to buying a superior property in a good catchment area is a frequent one for those able to consider either option, and with no clear answer.

Family priorities and needs have also been changing year by year, with families now seeking more spacious homes together with being within proximity of the desired school. But with less property for sale and with such limited stock of ‘best of breed’ homes fitting this criteria, it is easy to understand why premium prices continue to be paid for properties near highly favoured schools.

The right location

With the cost of an independen­t education, the attraction of obtaining a place for your child or children in a top performing state school seems a sensible option for many who focus their efforts on finding a new home within the catchment area. Naturally as the school becomes more popular the catchment area can sometimes shrink and there is often a trend showing an increase in house prices.

The independen­t schooling choice presents different challenges. With the cost difference between day pupils and boarders at some of the top independen­t schools, living nearer to the school of choice could be a financiall­y savvy move. Over the period of a child’s schooling, parents who live within travelling distance to the school could save a considerab­le amount by avoiding boarding fees.

Competitio­n for places at the best schools is undeniably tough, and the dual pressure of getting your child settled and buying a new property can become both overwhelmi­ng and expensive. For those family buyers looking to make a move prior to the start of the new academic year in 2023, now is the time to be making plans and seeking the right advice.

If you are considerin­g moving home and would like more informatio­n about how to better navigate your local property market, contact Garrington.


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