Scottish Field

Naomi Mcintosh – Artist


Speaking with interdisci­plinary artist Naomi Mcintosh was refreshing, writes Rosie Morton. As well as fostering a deep appreciati­on for the wilderness that surrounds her studio at Crathie in the Cairngorms, her work calls to question our perception of space in the natural world.

Transformi­ng 2D objects into 3D immersive installati­ons and architectu­ral jewellery, Naomi explores the relationsh­ip between the body, objects and space. By manipulati­ng local wood from Logie Timber through laser cutting, steam bending and wood-turning, she crafts pieces that change as you move round them, thus plays with the shifting light and shade of the landscape.

‘I became obsessed by architectu­ral drawing convention­s to describe something that is behind you, or that you can’t see,’ says Naomi, who went from Bartlett School of Architectu­re at UCL to Central Saint Martins where she gained a Masters in Design. ‘It’s that discovery,’ she says, describing the source of her motivation to continuall­y explore her craft. ‘You can think about a piece through drawing, then as it comes into three dimensions, that’s when it gets really exciting.’

Naomi works with Ruup & Form gallery, with whom she completed a project for the London Design Biennale. ‘I made a series of 21 suspended sculptures called Quiet Garden that were all named after a Scots word for the weather. It was about capturing qualities from the garden.’

naomimcint­ / ruupandfor­

‘Her work calls to question our perception of space in the natural world’

 ?? ?? It’s all in the detail: Naomi at home in the Cairngorms.
It’s all in the detail: Naomi at home in the Cairngorms.
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