Scottish Field

Fettuccine of chanterell­e mushrooms

by Nick Nairn, Port of Menteith, Stirlingsh­ire


Serves 2

This recipe showcases one of my most anticipate­d wild harvests of the autumn – chanterell­e mushrooms. These golden yellow beauties have a delicate apricot scent and a lovely texture when properly cooked. You could substitute any other mushrooms, but chanterell­e will always be the most delicious. You’ll need your own pasta machine or cutters to make my ‘Fettuccine of chanterell­e mushrooms’ recipe.

For the pasta dough

200g plain flour

5 medium egg yolks

For the sauce

120g of washed chanterell­e mushrooms, sliced

2 shallots, finely diced

1 clove of garlic, finely diced

20g butter

100ml white wine

150ml double cream

50g freshly grated parmesan cheese

2 tbsp chopped parsley

For the pasta dough

Place all the ingredient­s in a food processor and blitz until you get the correct texture of fresh breadcrumb­s.

Add more flour for finer mixture or more egg for thicker mixture. Empty out ingredient­s on to a board and bring together into a ball. It should have the texture of plasticine.

Wrap the dough ball in cling film and let it stand at room temperatur­e for at least 30 minutes. It will keep for 24 hours.

For the sauce

In a medium saucepan, warm butter over a medium heat. When melted, add shallots and garlic. Soften for two minutes, then add chanterell­e mushrooms.

Increase heat to highest level and sauté until softened. Immediatel­y add wine and reduce.

Add cream and reduce until it reaches a coating consistenc­y. Remove from heat and stir in parmesan and parsley. Taste and season

with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Have a large pan of boiling salted water ready.

Cut one third of the pasta dough and roll out. Pass through the widest setting of your pasta machine, fold and repeat six times through decreasing settings to the penultimat­e setting, usually number six. Use your fettuccine cutter to cut the pasta into long strips and toss in a

little flour to stop sticking if necessary.

Place pasta into boiling water and simmer for three minutes. Meanwhile, reheat sauce over a low heat and add in the drained pasta. Divide between two serving bowls, garnish with a little grated parmesan,

chopped parsley and a couple of turns black pepper.

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