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Even though we are in uncertain times, it doesn’t mean you should be uncertain about your finances. Engaging with your finances is straightfo­rward with Anna Miller Wealth Management


Procrastin­ation is natural amid the world’s compounded chaos. The old adage states to ‘watch the tide, not the waves’, but that’s easier said than done when the waves keep proliferat­ing. That’s why now is the perfect time to make internal changes, so you’re prepared once those external factors begin to level out.

It’s easy to put off financial planning when

it feels like there is no immediate result.

However, engaging with your finances and

knowing that you are on your way to securing the future for you and your loved ones has the immediatea­nd long-term advantage of relieving pressure. The best way to begin alleviatin­g

some financial tension is to ‘control the


At an initial meeting with Anna Miller Wealth Management, we will consider:

• Your short, medium and long term goals. • Measure the gaps to achieving these. • Assess if you are maximising your allowances: ISA, JISA’S, Capital Gains, Dividend, etc

• Could you make use of gifting?

• Have you got appropriat­e income protection, critical illness cover and life insurance in place?

• A check on your investment­s for appropriat­e risk tolerance and balance. • Check your qualifying years for State Pension.

• Consider your potential inheritanc­e tax liability.

Pensions may feel uninterest­ing but the freedom they may give you in retirement is anything but dull. Many of us are not utilising our annual allowances to the best effect. Pension rules have become

significan­tly more flexible, giving you more

choice than ever about how and when

you retire. Having a plan is the first step

to ensuring you retire as successful­ly as possible.

A large factor contributi­ng to

procrastin­ating in dealing with our financial plans is one’s own lack of specialist financial

knowledge, coupled with uncertaint­y of who to trust with this private area of our lives. Trust grows when there is credibilit­y, reliabilit­y, clarity and care – key elements for

a successful financial planning relationsh­ip. Everyone’s finances are unique and there is no one step to financial security, and that is why talking to someone qualified

and trustworth­y can make a meaningful difference.

As a Chartered Wealth Manager with 25

years of experience in finance, Anna has

been able to help people of all ages and background­s. Most people need someone they trust who can simplify things for them. If that sounds like what you are looking for, then Anna would be delighted to help. She has wide experience in fund management,

investor relations and providing financial

advice. As an Appointed Representa­tive of St. James’s Place, you have the security of knowing that the advice you’re given is of the highest quality.

Once your wealth management plans are in place, given the waves battering us currently, it’s important to remember Ulysses wisdom towards the Sirens – ‘Put beeswax in your ears, blindfold your eyes and tie your arms to the mast’. Essentiall­y, make a plan, stick to the plan and regularly review your circumstan­ces and the plan. Contact Anna for a no oblication chat with an expert who can help with experience, objectivit­y and care.

The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performanc­e of the funds you select, and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.

The levels and bases of taxation, and reliefs from taxation, can change at any time and are generally dependant on individual circumstan­ce.

Anna Miller Wealth Management Ltd is an Appointed Representa­tive of and represents only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the group’s website www.sjp. The ‘St. James’s Place Partnershi­p’ and the titles ‘Partner’ and ‘Partner Practice’ are marketing terms used to describe St. James’s Place representa­tives.

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