Scottish Field



Why a prep school?

As a stand-alone junior school, their facilities and skills are focused entirely on younger children and your child will have the chance to enjoy an environmen­t where being a child is still important. Without the presence of older children, they limit the forces that require children to grow up faster while fostering qualities of courtesy, selfrelian­ce and assurance. The wide range of schools to which their children move on means that they are proud of helping you to find the senior school that will best suit your child or your family, whether that’s in Edinburgh or further afield.

Small Matters

Cargilfiel­d has extensive grounds and state-of-the-art facilities on a single site. As a school of about 300 children, they will get to know your children as part of their family. A family school means that they welcome a broad range of abilities but a combinatio­n of high expectatio­ns, good teaching and small classes (with two classes per year group and no more than 18 children per class) helps to explain their excellent results.

Busy children are happy children!

Their boys and girls are busy! They play sport every day and creative activities such as music, drama, art and design are an important part of their curriculum. After school and evening activities are a fundamenta­l part of what they offer and will allow your child to try everything and discover their strengths and what excites them. They offer over 40 clubs during their longer school day – from fencing to fly tying, from drama to debating, from art to archery – with everything in between.

Supporting you and your family

We have all been through a challengin­g and unsettling time in the last few years. As a result, the care and support that a school offers is more important than ever. They pride themselves on nurturing the individual and helping them to set their sights higher. Their longer day and flexible boarding opportunit­ies also means that they can support the demands of busy families. Cargilfiel­d is a lot more than just a school and, as they approach their 150th year, they are stronger than ever.

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