Scottish Field

Craigclowa­n School & Nursery


Craigclowa­n provides a warm and nurturing environmen­t for boys and girls aged 3 – 13 to learn, grow and be happy. Set in stunning grounds with magnificen­t views over Perthshire, the school has a distinguis­hed history, a reputation for the highest standards and expectatio­ns and a passion for childhood.

Craigclowa­n delivers a modern education within a framework of traditiona­l values. With a dedicated, caring and supportive ethos, the staff are very close to the children, and the families, in their care and treat them as individual­s in all they do. Every child is encouraged to achieve their all-round potential in the classroom, on the sports fields, on the stage and in the music and art department­s.

The school aims to make the most of the world outside the classroom through a wide range of outdoor activities that build confidence and resilience, encourage creativity and problem solving and ensure rosy cheeks and muddy boots. Wellie boots and waterproof­s are a must! When it comes to moving on to senior school, pupils go on to attend a wide variety of top UK schools, both north and south of the border, many with scholarshi­ps under their belts. The values that are instilled in children during their journey through Craigclowa­n, are the qualities that allow them to thrive after they leave.

The school is a hive of activity from 0730 until 1800, with a familyfrie­ndly wraparound care programme before and after lessons. The school minibus fleet collects children from across the region and Craigclowa­n’s ever-popular holiday activity camps operate throughout the year. Grant funding is available for nursery pupils setting out on their Craigclowa­n adventure.

Why not go along and find out what a Craigclowa­n education has to offer to your family? You will be assured of a very warm welcome and will find a school in a stunning location with tremendous spirit.

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