Scottish Field

High School of Dundee


They deliver exceptiona­l learning for all, from nursery through to S6. They nurture the individual interests, talents and ambitions of each and every one of their pupils to equip them with the tools and skills to achieve and exceed their goals.

Now more than ever young people need support to help them thrive in an ever-changing world and, as well as ensuring that they develop creativity, resilience and confidence in their pupils, High School of Dundee prioritise­s responding to their needs.

In the primary years, their teachers focus on developing core skills like English and Maths, which are so crucial. But the focus is also on making learning fun, engaging and wide-ranging. Children receive teaching from their secondary school subject teachers in multiple areas of study.

Choice is paramount. In S3 pupils are able to choose eight subjects, not five or six, and in S5 they can select from 25 subjects at Higher level. At Advanced Higher, 23 subjects are available.

Around 100 co-curricular activities are on offer at the school, ensuring that the opportunit­y to discover new talents and interests extends far beyond the classroom. Activities include an extensive music programme, drama, their World Championsh­ipwinning Pipeband, and their High Performanc­e Sport programme, which offers a unique, all-round package for keen sportspeop­le.


They welcome new pupils throughout the year and applicatio­ns for entry in session 2022-23 can still be made. Join them for their Open Morning on 17 September or book in for a tour or taster day.

Tel: 01382 202 921 www.highschool­

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